Chapter 10

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~ A week later - in Storybrooke ~


I couldn't help but notice that strange things were happening to Henry over the past few days we have been back in Storybrooke.  Henry has been acting really strangely.  He will sit on the beach for hours just watching the ocean and when he takes showers he takes three times longer, and a few days ago when I he saw Charming having fish for dinner when we went out, he just glared at it in disgust.  It puzzled me because, before he went to Neverland, one of his favourite foods was fish.

He's also been bugging both Emma and I to go back to Neverland.  It's as if our entire expedition to rescue him was pointless, and he wanted to stay there.  Something is wrong with him, I know it, and it has gotten to the stage where I am contemplating going back to Neverland and confronting Pan and Athena and asking them what they did to Henry.  There must be something wrong with the heart they have given him.  It's the only explanation for his strange behaviour.  I need to go back to Neverland to confront them about this.  If my theory is correct, we are in terrible danger.  If my theory is correct, someone on Neverland has gotten themselves a death sentence.  To be honest, I don't really care about them, but in order to get Henry back to normal, we need to go back, find out who it was, and get them to help us.  I need to talk to Emma.

~ An hour laterAt Emma's apartment ~

I knocked on the door and waited.  I heard a few steps before the door was opened to reveal a surprised Emma.

"Emma, I need to talk to you.  It's about Henry's behavior lately."  I said.  "I have noticed that he's behaving odd and I think I know why."  I added.  She looked at me for a second and then moved aside.

"Come in."  She offered.  A few minutes later we were sitting on her lounge, talking about Henry.

"I'm sure you have noticed Henry's strange behavior lately."  I said.  She nodded.

"Yeah.  From what I have observed, since we came back to Storybrooke, he has this sudden dislike for fish, his personality has changed significantly, and he keeps hinting about wanting to go back to Neverland.  It's like our entire mission to rescue him was for nothing."  I said.

"Yeah, I have noticed that too."  She replied.

"I love Henry with all my heart, don't get me wrong, but I thought I'd ask you before I tried this.  Would you give me permission to take his heart out and have a proper look at it?  I have a theory of what might be wrong, but I don't know for sure.  If it is what I think, we have to go back to Neverland in order to fix it.  This will not kill him if the heart remains intact, which I will make sure it will."  I said.  She looked at me like I was insane.

"Are you insane?!"  She exclaimed.

"No, Emma, I am not insane."  I replied.  "Do you remember when we were in Neverland and I took out Athena's heart?  She was perfectly fine then, she just did whatever I told her to.  It will only be a problem if something happens to the heart, for example it getting crushed into ashes.  Remember, he is my son as well, and I don't want anything bad to happen to him.  I am doing this so I can figure out what is wrong and possibly fix it."  I said.  She looked at me with a slightly nervous look on her face.

"Alright.  Do what you need.  But if Henry gets hurt in any way, I am holding you personally responsible, and I will hunt you down.  Understood?"  She said.

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