Chapter 12

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Hey munchkins, this is going to be the last chapter.  I think I have finished things off pretty well (I hope), and I hope you have enjoyed this story so far.  Sorry this chapter's a bit short, but I thought this was really all I needed.

Thank you so much for reading, and, again, I hope you enjoyed it :)  

I had fun writing it, but I thought it was time for it to end.  

Anyway, enjoy the chapter, and have a wonderful day!

~ Samantha xo


A Few Weeks Later - At the Charmings’ camp ~

Today was the day I was going to attempt to create the new heart for Henry.  I know it sounds weird, but I think we’ve all begun to co-operate with each other (which I never would have expected).  I took a deep breath in and out.

“It’s ok.  You can do this.  You’ve been training for weeks.  I know you can do this.”  Peter said quietly.  I nodded.  I turned back to Regina.

“No one disturb or rush her.  This is serious magic and she needs full concentration.  Don’t anyone even speak.”  Regina warned, turning to everyone here.  Henry was getting worse so we had put him in one of the prisons for now so he couldn’t disrupt what we were doing.  Peter and I would get him out when I created the new heart so I could put it in him.

“Remember what I taught you.”  Regina instructed.  “Get your bow.”

“Are you sure you want to do this?”  Peter asked, knowing how much my bow meant to me.

“It’s ok.  You’ll make me another one right?”  I asked Peter jokingly, although in my heart I knew this was going to be hard.  I’ve had that bow for over a century.  “I mean, I’ve still got you and the Lost Boys.”  I said.

“Yeah, you’ll always have us, but I know how important your bow is to you.”  Peter replied.

“She needs to let go of it if this is going to work.  Remember, all magic has a price, and this is the price she had to pay.  What would you rather her give up, her bow or her life?”  Regina said.  I smiled at Peter, nodding my head.  I walked over and grabbed my bow.  I brought it up to my lips and whispered to it.

“I will miss you old friend.”  I whispered.  I then went to stand in front of Regina.

“Good.  Now, close your eyes and repeat the enchantment that I taught you.  You will feel a shift in the shape of your bow as it transforms into the heart, however, do not open your eyes until I instruct you to do so.  Understood?”  She said firmly.  I nodded and she stepped back.  I closed my eyes and began chanting…

About a minute later, I felt my bow begin to transformation slowly in my hand.  It was happening slowly, but I did as I was told and did not break my chanting or open my eyes.

Five Minutes Later ~

My bow was now gone and something round was in my hand.

“You can stop now.”  I heard Regina say.  I stopped chanting, I was absolutely exhausted by now, but I knew that the hard part was over.  “Open your eyes.”  She instructed.  I did as I was told and was amazed at what I saw.  I bright red heart was beating in my hand.

“Peter, go get Henry.”  I said breathlessly.  Baelfire and Peter helped me sit down in order to rest a bit until Peter came back with Henry.  Everyone then began thanking me.  I held up my hand to silence them.  “It’s not over yet guys.  Give me a few more minutes, then congratulate and thank me.”

A few moments later, Peter returned with Henry.  Henry was glaring at me.  I walked over to him and stuck my free hand in his chest, grabbed the mermaid heart, and pulled it out.  I could tell it hurt him when I did.  I then put the heart I ad just created inside him and he fell to the ground.  Once I knew it was successfully in, I too collapsed from exhaustion.


I was amazed at what Athena had just done.  Her talents never seem to end.  I ran over to her, she had passed out from exhaustion.  I then looked up at Regina.

“Will she be ok?”  I asked.

“Yes, she will be fine in a few minutes.  So will Henry.”  Regina explained.

10 Minutes Later ~

Henry and Athena awoke at the same time.

“What happened?”  Henry asked, slightly drowsy.

“I saved your life, that’s what.”  Athena said to him.

“What?  Why?”  Henry asked curiously.

“I’ll let your family tell you that when you get back to Storybrooke.”  Athena replied.  “For now, you need to rest.  You have to journey back tomorrow.”

The Next Day ~


Henry, Emma, Regina, Baelfire, and Hook were boarding Hook’s ship to go back to Storybrooke.

“Thanks again for saving Henry.”  Regina thanked me.

“Thank you for teaching me how.”  I replied.

We all said our goodbyes and they all went back to Storybrooke.

“Peter?”  I asked.  He looked at me.

“Yeah?”  He asked.

“You owe me a new bow.”  I said slyly.  He raised his eyebrows. 

“Do I now?”  He asked.  I smirked my signature evil smirk.

“You do.”  I said.  “RACE YOU BACK TO CAMP!”  I then yelled.

“Oh you’re on.”  He yelled and then dashed after me.

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