Chapter 4

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I was walking back to the camp with Baelfire when we started talking.

"Feels like just yesterday I welcomed you to Neverland the first time, Bae. Gotta say, I hoped I'd see you again." I said, a smirk forming on my face.

"Well maybe Pan shouldn't have taken my son." He replied, a clearly annoyed tone in his voice.

"Maybe you should have left well enough alone." I replied.

"I'm gonna get him back." He told me.

"You really believe that? You were a lost boy. You know my brother and I are not to be trifled with. You know how long we've been searching for the heart of the truest believer. Do you really believe we'll just, give him up?" I asked.

"Maybe if I asked nicely." He said in a half-joking tone. I chuckled darkly.

"You may have grown up Baelfire, but it would appear you have grown up stupid." I replied.

"I have grown up. I don't know if I'm stupid or not, but I do know I know how to tie an overhand knot." He said, before hitting me over the head, causing me to fall to the ground.

"I'm not a boy anymore, Athena, and I sure as hell ain't lost." I vaguely heard him say before I lost consciousness.

~ Athena regains consciousness ~

I awoke to find Bae gone, and the rope I had tied his hands with on the ground. I cursed in frustration. I decided to follow his trail and see where he had gone. After a while of tracking him, I found something quite interesting. I found both of the centuries we had posted at the entrance to the compound, where our camp was situated, knocked out by a sleeping spell. I sighed, I can't find Bae tonight so I best get back to camp. With that, I began to walk back to our camp.

I came through the trees into the camp with an extremely irritated look on my face. Peter was talking to Henry, but as soon as I came through the trees, his eyes wandered to me. He said something to Henry then got up and walked over to me.

"I know that look. What happened?" Peter demanded.

"Baelfire. I'm afraid he got away." I replied.

"Well why didn't you get him back?" Peter demanded.

"I tried! I followed his trail and found two of our centuries knocked a sleeping spell." I told him. He looked up at me slowly.

"The Dark One." He said. I nodded. "So father and son have been reunited."

"They'll be coming for Henry, we should move him somewhere safe." I advised.

"Now now little sister. Where's your sense of adventure?" He asked. I glared at him. He then turned back to look at Henry. "We can't end the party when the real fun is about to begin." He said.

"Do you want me to watch them?" I asked. He looked at me once more.

"For tonight, let's just have fun. Tomorrow, we can change the game." He said.

~ The Next Day ~


I got up to see Athena pacing back and forth across the camp. I walked over to her and grabbed her by the shoulder

"What's wrong?" I asked. "You only pace when something is bothering you."

"Just thinking about stuff and people." She replied. I rolled my eyes.

"Well that's helpful." I said sarcastically.

"Come with me to our Thinking Tree. I need to talk to you. In private." She said. I frowned, but nodded and we headed, silently, to our Thinking Tree.

His Only Weakness (Peter Pan OUAT)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora