Chapter 8

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A/N: Before you start reading this, go back and read the previous A/N chapter, if you haven’t already, because you need to read that to understand this chapter. Thanks munchkins x


I was going back to camp after making sure that Henry and Peter got to Skull Rock.  I was following them at a distance so they couldn’t see me, but I could see them.  I had begun to think about the first time I had met Rumple.  I don’t know why, but it just came to mind.  I have been thinking about him a lot (and not in a friendly way) since he came here, and I am anxious for him to leave.

~ Flashback (Age 7) ~

I was currently crying in Peter’s arms after a bad beating from our father.  They were getting more and more frequent since our mother died and he started drinking.  Why did he do this to us?  I don’t understand it.  We were out in the forest hiding from anyone and everyone.

“What’s wrong?  Why are you crying?”  We heard a small voice ask.  Peter and I turned around to be faced with a young boy who looked around the age of 8. 

“My daddy was mean to me.”  I replied, tears still in my eyes and not leaving Peter’s comforting arms.  The boy came over to me and gave me a hug.

“Don’t worry, my daddy was mean to me too.  Do you want to be friends?”  He asked.  I smiled slightly, wiping the tears from my eyes.

“That would be nice.”  I replied.  “My name is Athena, and this is my older brother, Peter.”  I said, introducing us.

“What’s your name?”  Peter asked.

“Rumplestiltskin, but you can call me Rumple.”  He replied.

~ End Flashback ~

I stopped in my tracks when I heard the voices of Emma and her group coming from camp.  I crept closer and I was standing behind some of the bushes, so I could see and hear Emma and her group but they could not see me, listening to what they were saying. 

“Wendy, since you’ve been here, have you seen my son?  His name is Henry.”  Neal asked.

“You have a son?”  Wendy asked.

“Yeah.  Pan needs his heart.”  Neal said.

“Has he said anything about the heart of the truest believer?”  Emma asked.

“No.  I’m sorry.  He never mentioned anything about a heart.”  Wendy said.  I smirked, Wendy is trying to be loyal.  It won’t last long though, she will break soon.

“She’s lying.”  Rumple stated.  Everyone looked at him.  “Where is he?”  Neal and David went over to him to block him from her.

“What the hell are you doing?”  David asked.

“I’ve carried enough lies in my life to know the burden.  She knows where Henry is.”  Rumple said.

“Is that true?”  Neal asked.

“You don’t understand.”  Wendy said.  A smirk formed on my face and I shook my head.  Yep, she broke.

“You’re helping Pan?”  Mary Margret asked.

“He’s keeping John and Michael alive, only if I do as he says.”  Wendy said.

“Trust me, whatever he has promised, he will go back on his word.”  Rumple stated.  I raised my eyebrows at this.  Obviously, he doesn’t know us as well as he thought he did.

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