Warning Part 2

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"Rin, what's wrong? Why aren't you out of bed yet?"

I snuggled deeper into my comforter. My mom shook my shoulder.

"Rin. Wake up. You'll be late for school."

I was wide awake. As a matter of fact, I didn't go to sleep at all. What if the person who threatened me came to my house and tried to kill me? And the security detail? Well, I didn't know who I could trust. One of them or some of them could be behind all of this.


With a sigh, I yanked the covers down. "I'm not going to school," I said and pulled the covers over my head again.

"Unless you're sick, you're going to school."

"Then I'm sick." I forced a cough.

"Rin Elizabeth Borek. Get out of bed this instance and get ready for school."

I lay in bed for a few heartbeats before sitting up. The sudden light brought tears to my eyes. There was no arguing with my mom. Sure if either one of my parents knew about the graffiti on the pizza box, they would have let me stayed home for a month. Or maybe for my entire life. But I hadn't told them. I hadn't been able to. How could I? I knew they would worry about me but I didn't want to draw more attention to myself. If the media found out that I was threatened, it was all over for me. They would never leave me alone. All I had to do was stick with this contract for a while longer and then everyone would forget about me. That's what I needed to believe.

First period had started by the time I got to school. I said goodbye to my dad and hurried towards the school. The secretary gave me a look as I walked into the office. She waved me towards the couch and I sat.

For a good twenty minutes, I tapped my foot against the grey carpet. All I needed was a tardy slip. What was taking her so long? All she was doing was typing away at her computer and looking at her phone. A familiar figure appeared at the edge of my vision. The Tutor opened the door. If I didn't know he was a vampire, I wouldn't be able to tell what species he was from.

There was almost no evidence to tell difference from vampire or humans. Sure, since the beginning, vampires had always stayed within their own neighborhoods and in the merged neighborhoods so anyone else wouldn't come in contact with them. But the government had made sure to educate the public about possible signs on how to spot a vampire. Weak to sunlight? Check. Can't eat solid food? Check. Visiting donor clinics? Check. The whole garlic, silver, and wooden stakes, and a crosses did not work. In the beginning, from what I learned, we tried and didn't succeed.

Perhaps during their sleep they had evolved but nothing was certain. It wasn't like the vampires were going to announce how they could be killed - if at all - or what their weakness are. Sure there was the mind control but not every vampire could do it - at least I didn't think so. And the tutor? He was probably putting on sunblock or taking some injection to help with that. Other than a few certainties, vampires were a mystery. However, it didn't matter to me. As long as I got out of this contract alive, I was going to forget this had ever happened.

"Good morning," he said to me. "I'm glad you could join us."

I glanced at the receptionist but she wasn't paying attention. It's wasn't like there would be consequences of me just walking out. It's not like I was eager to see the Prince either but I guess it was better than staying here. Plus, there was something I had to take care of first. With that in mind, I stood and followed the Tutor. The Vampire Prince was at his desk when we walked into the classroom. The Prince leaned back, the chair balanced on two legs. Murmurs flew across the room too fast for me to hear. Their lips barley moved.

The Vampire Prince goes to High School (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now