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"You're waiting for the Prince," I managed to say.

The voice remained silent. Of course, they were. Why else would they take me from my room? I took a look once more around the room. It was dark. There weren't any light sources. No shadows just darkness. Even the face in front of me was hard to take in any details. The face glowed almost too brightly. Were all vampires capable of this? Or was it all a trick?

I pulled against the restraints but they wouldn't budge. I couldn't tell how long I'd been sitting here. Or how long I'd been missing. Were the police looking for me? How had they taken me from my room? Nothing made sense.

"Is this really necessary?" I asked.

The voice from before didn't answer.

Even in my situation, it was hard not to be annoyed. Sure, I was terrified. My heart was ready to burst but, as of right now, I couldn't escape. My wrists were tied down, so were my legs. My kidnappers had wrapped something around my body and it wasn't budging. It definitely wasn't rope. For right now, all I could do was hope that someone was looking for me.

Maybe if I got them to talk, they wouldn't kill me outright. Or what if I talked too much and that got me killed? I glanced at the face. It was still hovering. Was it watching me?

"You can let me go," I tried again. "Let me leave and I won't say anything."

"Don't worry human," it said. "You're not going to be harmed."

Now it talked. Or was it a he? I couldn't tell. At this point, I didn't really care. Why did they have to abduct me? I wasn't involved. How did they know where I lived? Or who I was?

"Who are you, people?" I asked. "What is this about? Just let me go."

I struggled against the restrains but no success. Feeling my arms burn, I stopped. They didn't want me going anywhere. The chair felt like metal but I couldn't tell. It was also not moving in any way. Had they weld it into the floor or something?

"You have nothing to fear from us," the voice said. "You can relax."

"Yeah right," I shot back. "I was kidnapped and I'm being held against my will. So, no. I can't relax."

"We apologize for this crude method," it continued to say. "If there was another option, we would have taken it. Alas, there wasn't."

"There's always a better way than kidnapping someone," I snapped.

"We apologize for the inconvenience."

"This isn't a department store!"

I pushed against the 'ropes' and like before, they didn't break. Breathing heavily, I leaned back in the chair. This couldn't be happening. Why did they want the Prince so bad? Who were these people? Were they the Purists? No. They couldn't be. These people seem to know what they were doing. They were keeping me in literal darkness as opposed to Pat and Carlos who had let me waltz into their base.

"Don't worry," the voice said. "He will come soon. It won't be long now."

"What if he doesn't come?" I asked. "What are you going to do? Are you going to kill me?"

"He won't abandon you."

"Are we even talking about the same vampire? He doesn't care about anyone but himself. I am nothing to him. Honestly, I don't even know why he keeps hanging around me."

"Have you really no idea?" the voice asked. "He might pretend all he likes and try to convince himself otherwise, but those with eyes can easily see the truth."

The Vampire Prince goes to High School (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now