True Intentions

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I stared at the Prince for a long time. Despite everything that had happened, he said he didn't trust me. I was at a loss for words.

"Don't lie to me," I told him. "If you didn't trust me, you would have left me to die. If you didn't trust me, you wouldn't have gone through all this trouble. I bet you didn't even think about calling anyone when the mafia got in contact with you.

"You just came rushing over to meet with them without a moment's notice."

The Prince smirked. "You are gravely mistaken," he said, "this isn't trust. I simply have plans for you. You're not allowed to die without my permission."

I rolled my eyes. We were going to have this conversation again. I sighed. I was too tired for this. I just wanted to go home. Wasn't he saying he was interested in me a few minutes ago? He was too confusing. What did he want? What was his deal?

"Look," I said, shifting my weight from one foot to another. "Live in your fantasy all you want, at this point, I'm not going to argue with you. Just call someone to pick us up. I don't want to walk all the way home."

"I don't take orders from a human."

I didn't dignify that with a response. Instead of answering, I kept walking. He had literally told me he was going to carry me home. I get that. It was weird but okay. Made sense. Running would get us there faster than calling someone to pick us up. I was fine with that, but why was he being so cryptic and confusing?

For a few minutes, I just kept walking. I didn't care if the Prince was there or not. My brain wouldn't stop thinking. It wasn't like I could ask the Prince anything. He would dodge the question. There was really no point.

"Are you walking the whole way?" the Prince asked beside me.

I didn't even glance at him. "I thought you didn't trust me," I grumbled, "doesn't that mean you shouldn't let me be on your back? I might stab you or something."

"I'm not so sweet that you will be able to hurt me."

Sigh. It never ended, did it?

We walked in silence. He easily kept pace with me, almost like he was walking on clouds. I glanced at him, biting my lip.

"Why do you hate humans so much?" I asked, "did we do something to vampires?"

The surprise was evident on his face for a split second. "I don't hate humans," he beam.

"Bull," I interrupted.

He shot me a glare. "I don't hate humans," he repeated, "I just think that they are beneath me. Their egos won't let them see the truth."

I fought the urge to reply. The point was not to get into an argument with him. I wanted answers and getting him all defensive wasn't going to help my cause.

"Co-existing will never be possible. It's best if I rule over them."

There was no way to get through to him. And yet, didn't he know that his words were contradicting his actions?

"But the King doesn't want that," I said quietly, "only you do. No one wants you on the throne. It's -"

I came to a halt as an epiphany hit me. This was all just pretend. It was all a façade. The Prince was manipulating everyone. By making his view public about dominating the world, every government wanted the King to stay in power. It was why the Prince acted out and got caught in scandals. He was trying to look like the bad guy and he was succeeding.

That was . . . really clever.

"Finally gave up?" the Prince asked. He stopped beside me."I'm surprised you managed to walk this far. Then again, your mind gave out before your body did."

The Vampire Prince goes to High School (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now