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One Month Later

Sunset had just fallen a few hours later and I couldn't sleep. The sound of crashing waves coming from the window wasn't helping. Despite being on vacation, I didn't feel very relaxed. If anything, I felt guilty. I felt guilty for leaving everything behind and trying to forget everything that had happened. Plus, it didn't help that the only reason why my parents and I were able to take such a luxurious vacation on a coastal beach was because of the reparations we were paid because of Micah. Whether the money actually came from him, his family, or the mafia, we didn't know.

Sighing, I kicked the covers off of me. It was hot. Even in my silky pajamas, it was hot. The air pressed against my skin. I should have turned the AC back on before going to bed. Yawning, I slid out of bed and, blindly, headed towards the window. I fumbled in the dark for a while before finally finding the thermostat and adjusting it.

I made my way back to bed. My eyes teared up just from exhaustion. There wasn't much time left on our vacation. In less than four days, we would be heading home and I would be returning to school just in time for the holidays.

Finally feeling a cold draft, I slid back into bed and rolled myself up in a burrito. Even as I laid there, I didn't sleep. A long time ago, I had a kitten standing on my pillow. He was so invasive but so cute and soft. With him, I felt safe.

"I miss you," I mumbled.

"That makes two of us."

My heart stopped. I completely froze. Was I hearing things again? Was this a dream? It had to be a dream.

I popped up and glanced around the room. There by the window, a silhouette. Anger washed over me.

"Bug off," I forced out. "You can't pop in random people's rooms. I swear every vampire I come across has this thing against privacy. I'm sure you can find someone else's neck to nibble on tonight."

"What if it's your neck I want to nibble on?"

My stomach flipped. That voice sounded too familiar. This wasn't just a random vampire. I knew this vampire, but what was he doing here? He shouldn't be here, not after everything that I had done. I swallowed thickly.


"You have no right to call me that."

My hand flew to my mouth. It was him. I closed my eyes feeling them sting. Of course, he was angry. I did deserve that but why was he here? Is that why he had come? My family's vacation hadn't been announced to anybody. Camellia and Mr. Keys promised no one would bother us. I mean, Alexander wasn't a bother but he shouldn't have found out where we were.

"What are you doing here?" I whispered. "You - you weren't - I mean, no one is supposed to know we're here."

"A little bird told me."

I took a deep breath. He was here. Alexander had finally come to see me. What could I say to him at this point? I'd practiced what I would say but, now, nothing came to mind.

"You've come for a reason," I began. "If you came for an apology, I have to say that it's complicated and -"

"Not only did the little bird tell of this place," Alexander interjected. "It also told me other interesting bits of information."

As he spoke, Alexander approached. I tightened the covers around me. His eyes were so dark and unfriendly. He finally stopped at the foot of the bed.

"You are incredibly stupid. Micah could have killed you!"

I ducked my head. It had been stupid of me to confront Micah. And yes, I knew he could have killed me, and yet, I had to do it.

Strange noises echoed around me and it took me a moment to realize that it was coming from me. I pressed both hands against my mouth trying to stop the sobbing. Try as I might, I couldn't. I crumbled forward, letting everything pour out. Everything, all my exhaustion, my fear, my frustration, and my relief. I cried until there were no more tears left.

The Vampire Prince goes to High School (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now