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Death glares followed me everywhere.

I kept my chin up as I walked into school. The news vans were back. The world was finally going to get what it wanted: a statement from the Royal family with a special interview with a certain high school student. I had read over the script and basically, they were all the questions that were going to be asked. It was all censored. It was all rigged.

My parents got this information like the rest of the world this morning with the morning news. Not only was I grounded for not telling them last night – in my defense, it was late last night – but I also needed to appear at this event. I was supposed to speak in front of all those cameras. What I wanted to know if there were only going to be vampires. Sure, I'd been alone in a room of vampires before but not this many. Just the thought of it made my stomach churn.

Not to mention that none of this had exactly helped my situation with those terrorists. Thankfully, I hadn't found any more threats – as of now- but I'm sure that was going to change.

At this point it felt like the contract had been thrown out the window. Now it was just there for decoration.

"I guess you got your 15 minutes of fame."

Just as I reached the front entrance of the school, I stopped. Someone just had to say something. With a sigh, I turned around. A girl stood before me, polished and she reminded me of a clown. I also didn't know who she was. Like always, a crowd had started to form around us.

"What fame?" I asked tiredly.

Please let someone explain to me how anything that had happened to me was fame.

"Don't act stupid," the girl said. "You set the whole thing up."

I rubbed my face. My temples were beginning to pound and I hadn't gotten much sleep last night. The fear of never waking up would do that to you.

"Are you really listening to yourself right now?" I asked. "If you really believe that then you're stupid."

At this point I could care less about her jealousy. It was stupid. Why would I ever want any of this? Why would I set up this headache to myself? The girl stepped closer and I tensed. Her face was flushed and she looked ready to throw punches.

"Look," I told her. "Take your jealously elsewhere. It's pathetic."

I turned around and nudged the people out of my way. There was a shout behind me. I glanced over my shoulder and saw the girl being restrained by her friends.

"Let it go," I heard someone say.

"She's not worth it," said another.

"Let me go, I'm going to rip her eyes out."

My eyes narrowed. Clenching my teeth, I went inside.

"After all that effort, I put into getting into her head, there was nothing to show for it."

The voice was smooth and there was amusement in there. His words didn't register until I was in front of my locker. Speechless, I swirled to look at him.

"Don't you use your mind powers on me," I sputtered out.

The Prince smirked and leaned against the lockers. Taking a deep breath, I ignored him and opened my locker. He wanted to provoke me and I wasn't going to let that happen. I was too tired. Tired because of lack of sleep and tired of everyone – mainly him – telling me what I had to do.

Despite all of this, I couldn't help but saying, "It was so nice and quiet without you. Shame you had to come back."

The Prince chuckled. Nothing fazed him. "You ready for tonight?"

The Vampire Prince goes to High School (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now