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I woke up feeling strange. It was hard to place but something was off. I remembered dreaming about . . . I sat up. The Prince's faces drifted into my head. Had I been dreaming about him? I shook my head. No, there's no way I would be dreaming about the Prince.

And yet, I remembered him. Had he been in my room last night? The thought made me rush out of my room and into the bathroom. I quickly checked myself for any bite marks, bruises, and whatever that shouldn't be there, but didn't find anything. I sat on the edge of the tub feeling weak.

The Prince wouldn't try anything weird. I knew that and yet, I had to make sure. He'd said he'd wait for me to declare my undying loyalty to him. Quite frankly, I was surprised he was being so patient. There had to be more to this than what he was letting on. Why did it have to be me? There were plenty of others who would at a moment's notice.

Why was he wasting his time? It wasn't like he was even trying to convince me that he was the best thing around. He hadn't changed at all. Granted, I hadn't done my part of the original contract to change his mind but I wasn't going to waste my breath on someone who didn't want to change. I much rather talk to someone who was on the fence about things and try to influence them.

Sighing, I stood. Might as well shower and brush my teeth. There was no point in going back to bed when I was ready awake. Plus, I still had homework to finish.


When I went down for breakfast, my parents were huddled around the kitchen table. They were still in their pajamas. I swept my damp hair into a bun at the base of my neck.

"What's wrong?" I asked them.

My mom turned. "Oh," she said, "well, it's for you."

Frowning, I approached. On the table was a thick envelope the size of a textbook. My name and address was on it but there was no return address. Puzzled, I picked it up and opened it. Inside I found a thick packet and a letter. My parents read it over my shoulder.

"Rin, did something happen between you and the Prince?" my dad asked.

Speechless, I continue to stare at the letter. According to what was written, the contract had been nullified. The Prince had kept his side of the bargain. We had made a deal but I didn't think he would ever go through with it.

"N-no," I stammered out. "Nothing happened. I don't know why he would do this."

What was he thinking? Could it be a trick?

"I need to check on something," I muttered.

Before they could say anything, I headed back upstairs. The first person I called was my lawyer.

"Yes Miss Borek," he said when he answered. "I received the same packet. I've looked through it and everything is in order. As of today, you are no longer affiliated with the Prince."

My knees felt weak. I managed to sit on my bed before my legs collapsed.

"Thanks," I told him. "I was just checking. That's all."

"Have a good day," he said, and hanged up.

Part of me expected the Prince to show up saying it was all a prank. But he didn't show up. I could call his lawyers but they wouldn't be much help. It wasn't like I didn't believe that the Prince would keep his word, I just didn't believe that he would.

A strange feeling followed me throughout the day. To think that I would no longer see the Prince, it was great, but why did I feel this way? I should be glad. I was glad but not as much as I should be. This was probably all a joke to him anyways. There was no point in getting my hopes up.

I would ask him tomorrow at school. Would he come to school tomorrow? He had no reason to come. He only had to because of the contract. It also meant that I would go back to the classroom and deal with all those people. And not to mention his fans. They would ask questions. What was I going to tell them?

I tried to focus on my work but I couldn't. Feeling my head hurt, I got into bed. I needed a break anyways. After dinner I could finish up what I had left.


I woke up feeling groggy. My room was dark. With half closed eyes, I looked at my alarm clock. It was half past six. I rolled over on my side.

The Prince should have given me some sort of warning or something. He got to leave without any consequences. I had to do all the work.

"Jerk," I muttered.

And it wasn't like I could call him or anything. He had never given me his number. I knew he had a cell phone. You would think he would have shared his number after everything that had happened.

"Whatever," I mumbled. "He can do whatever he wants. I don't care. It's not like we're friends or anything else."


At this point, did I even have friends? Would Sonia talk to me? I was sure Carlos would avoid me. If he didn't, he should. Maybe he still thought I wanted to be part of the Purists. I would have to wait and see.


I was called into the office the next morning. Just like I suspected, I was told to go back to my normal classes. There was even an announcement to let everyone know that the Prince would no longer be attending school here.

I got a couple of looks. His fans stopped me in the hallway asking why he'd left. Someone went as far as to ask what had I done like it was my fault he wasn't here. I didn't speak to them. I just went to class and ignored everyone.

Sonia definitely ignored me. She spent her time with Carlos. They are lunch together. I couldn't help but wonder if he had told about his little club. Then again, I doubt he had.

I stared down at my tray feeling my eyes burn. This was pathetic. Why was I moping? Why did I need a friend who wouldn't apologize for making a mistake? Why should I be concerned about someone who let their cousin blame for their actions? And why did I even care about someone who only thought about himself and no one else?

I shouldn't and I wouldn't. Not anymore. It was a clean slate from now on. I was going to have nothing to do with vampires, or Sonia, or Carlos.

The Vampire Prince goes to High School (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now