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When the dawn came, Alexander stayed with me. I was in his arms when I woke. He wasn't moving. As gently as I could, I turned around and came face to face with Alexander. His eyes didn't open. For a moment, I panicked and then I remembered this was probably normal. Then again, I really didn't know what normal was to vampires. 

As I continue to stare at Alexander, I couldn't help but remember last night. I had let him drink my blood. Why had I let him do that? My face burned just remembering. But I knew why. Alexander hadn't been feeding at all even though he said he had. Then again, I might just be making assumptions. 

I was such a hypocrite. Hadn't I told him I wouldn't give him my blood? But he had been starving. Wasn't that my fault too?

Sighing,  I snuggled closer. If I stayed close to him, he would get hurt. If I stayed away, he would get hurt. There was no winning. But I guess it was better than being alone. 

I shook my head. Now wasn't the time to be thinking about that. If anything I should be freaking out about the fact that there was a guy in my bed and my parents might walk in at any moment to check on me. Despite knowing this, I also didn't want to wake Alexander. He looked relaxed. Calm. How could I wake him up?

"It's creepy if you keep staring at me."

Alexander opened his eyes.

Embarrassed, I looked away. "G-good morning to you too."

"Did you sleep well?" he asked.


"Do you feel faint?"




"How about-?"

"I'm fine."

Before I could react, he leaned forward and pressed his lips against mine. I froze, unsure what to do. Then, his lips were gone.

"I'll believe you."

He closed his eyes once again. Unable to stop myself, I reached for him, stroking his hair. 

"I - I'm sorry for passing out like that," he whispered. "I guess I haven't been getting enough rest lately."

My heart squeezed. "Where have you been staying?" I asked. "Surely there's -"

"Here and there," he answered. "I've managed."

"Just like you've managed to feed?" I asked hoarsely.

Guilt and anger made my eyes tear up. Suddenly, I found myself staring at Alexander's shoulder.

"Since I'm with you, I didn't think you want me to feed from random people."

I hadn't thought about that. It wasn't like it bothered me. Human could only give blood so often. I didn't want him to starve in the meantime.

"Food is food," I murmured. "You can't just starve."

Alexander didn't say anything. Then, "if that's what you think."

I pulled back and looked at him. "Do other couples not let their partner do that?"

"So, we're a couple now, huh?" He smirked.

I ducked my head. "Sh-shut up!"

His shoulders shook. He was the worst. Why was he laughing? Wasn't he the one who wanted to get together?

"Sort of," Alexander forced out. "There are donor centers. Vampires can go there to feed from actual donors or get an IV drip."

I did not know that. Then again, that information wasn't really shared publicly. Then again, why would it?

"Well, just make sure you don't starve. And if you need a place to stay, just come here. You can stay with me, okay?"

Alexander gave me a look. "Alright," he said, "if that's what you want."

We stayed like this for some time before, Alexander had to leave. 'Business he called it. I couldn't bring myself to ask him about it. Despite everything, he was secretive about everything. It was only bits and piece that he shared.

"Don't forget to come back," I said.

Alexander grinned at me. "Don't worry too much about me."

After he left, I met my parents downstairs for breakfast. They were both ready for work.

"You're up?" Mom asked. She took a sip of her orange juice.

"I got enough sleep," I replied. "I wanted to see you off."

"What's that on your neck?" Dad asked.

Panicking, I slapped the side of my neck. " uh, a mosquito bit me? Y-yeah. I left the window open and I got bitten. I ended up scratching it."

Before he could say anything else, I busied myself by making toast. I hadn't exactly lied but he didn't need to know the truth.

"So, has the court said anything?" I asked.

I kept my back towards them. It wasn't like I was avoiding them but I also didn't want to see their worried looks.

"We have a court date," Dad said. "Mr. Keys is working with us."

"That's good."

Breakfast was awkward to say the least. What was there to talk about? Even if Alexander said that there was no hidden recording bug in my room, it still felt like I was being watched. I couldn't even leave my house because of what might happen.

"We're going now," Mom said. "Clean up, alright?"

I stared down at my half eaten slice of bread. "I'll do chores."

My parents took turns kissing my head before heading out. I waited for a few minutes before cleaning up. When I finished, I headed into the living room instead of upstairs.

Even if I was confined to my house, that didn't mean I had to stay only in my room. Besides, I should be taking advantage of this. How long had I gone without watching tv? Too long.

I flipped through the channels before stopping on the weather channel. Today I will learn how to escape from quicksand. As the program ran, it suddenly shut down.

An emergency broadcast began but like a normal broadcast, instead of the weather channel, I was looking at a news room.

"Sorry to interrupt your program but we've just received word of this news. The Vampire Prince has just been arrested.

"That's right. We've received these images just now . . ."

My eyes were frozen to the screen. Images of Alexander in a police car appeared on screen. The room started to spin and my chest hurt.

I could only focus on four words flashing at the bottom of the screen:


The Vampire Prince goes to High School (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now