Chapter 12

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Heres another update!

I am so sick right now! Plz pray for me! I have a stuffy nose, a sore throat, a dry mouth, and my muscles ache so much and the medicines taste so bad! I hate this fever!

Anyway enough of my rants and back to the story


Maya woke up after some time refreshed. She did not remember any of the dreams she had had, but she did remember having woken up in the middle of the night quite a few times.

Her stomach was grumbling. After freshening up, she went out of her room. She had cringed at the sight of her puffy eyes and dark circles. It was ten in the morning so everyone else would be awake. She gave herself some pep talk so she wouldn't sound depressed to her family.

She entered the kitchen but the lights were turned off. She roamed around the house and called for her mother but it seemed no one was home. She checked the bedrooms and they were empty too. Where was everyone. Worry gripped her. How long had she slept? A whole day probably.

She ran to her room and called on her mother's number but she heard ringing from her mothers room so she quickly dialed her brothers number.

The phone rang but no one was picking up. She impatiently waited as the call disconnected. After calling a few times again someone picked up.

"Hello Maya?" It was her mothers voice, not her brother's.

"Ammi? Where are you all?" She asked her hurriedly.

"We are at the hospital beta. The baby is born. Its a boy. But they have to stay there for sometime."

"Really? Is everything alright? No one woke me up."

"Alhumdulilah everything is fine. I tried to wake you up when I came home but you had fever and you were sleeping so I just left you."

"Oh. Ok I am coming. Can you text me the address?"

"I'll send it to you. And there's soup in the fridge bring that along."

"Ok. Allah hafiz." She said and disconnected the call. Tears of joy ran down her cheeks. Her nephew was born. Her nephew.

She rushed to her room and slipped an abaya on to cover herself better and took her keys and soup and hurried out of the house after locking it.

She drove the car to the hospital while muttering duas under her breath. She was scared to get out of the house alone, but she had to reach the hospital.

When she got to the hospital fifteen minutes later she parked the car and rushed inside.

After finding out the room number, she took the elevator to the third floor. When she got off the elevator she saw her mother with a child in her arms.

She rushed to them.

"Assalam-o-Alaikum." She said handing the soup to her mother.

Her mother carefully handed over the baby to Maya.

"He is so cute. Mashallah." She muttered kissing the baby's cheeks. He was sleeping at the moment. She wondered what his eyes were like. He had chubby cheeks and a cute little nose. Maya caressed the baby's soft fingers. 

"He is so small!" She said as she cuddled the baby in her arms. Her mother chuckled quietly at that.

The baby held her finger tightly all of a sudden. When she tried to free it from his finger without waking him up he didn't leave it.

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