Chapter 35

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Sorry for the delayed update. This is the longest I haven't updated. Hope you like the chapter.

Vote and comment loads!

Enjoy! Just make sure you aren't sacrificing your religious duties to read this. They are much more important.


Zayan forked a bite of the french toast in his mouth and chewed it slowly. It wasn't bad he decided. He didn't know what had gotten into him but he had made breakfast before Maya had woke up and he bought it for her to the bedroom. Perhaps it was because he believed that it was not the wife's duty to take care of the house 24/7. Husbands should contribute too. 

His mind went back to when Leya had taught him how to make French toast. He bit back a small smile and shook his head at himself.

"What?" Maya asked curiously seeing him smile to himself.

"Huh? Nothing." He shrugged, mentally scolding himself for being like this. He couldn't help it though. He could never forget Leya. It was just not possible. She might have departed from this world physically but she was always in his heart. He swallowed deeply and placed the fork back on the plate. 

"You're lost in thoughts. Anthing wrong?" Maya asked cautiously.

"No. Nothing." He shook his head and smiled politely. It was the last thing he needed: Maya finding out that he still missed Leya.

He glanced at her and smiled reassuringly. She looked nice with her hair open that way. It fell over her shoulders and he was sure it would be very silky when he would touch it. Even though she had just woke up, she still managed to pull it off, he had to give her that. 

As if his hand had a mind of its own, it lifted to her face and he pushed the strands of hair that were covering her face. He could feel her going tense but he didn't remove his hand as he caressed her hair. It was as silky as it looked.

"I hope our kids have your hair color." He blurted out without thinking. Leya loved children and she had always wanted to have their own. If she had been with him, he was sure they would have a dozen kids already. A small smile graced his lips at the thought.

"Our kids?" Maya asked him in surprise, with the fork midway between her mouth and plate.

"Yeah don't you want kids?" He frowned.

"I don't know. I've never thought about that. And I never knew you were so blunt." She said trying to be casual about it as she averted her gaze from him.

"What exactly are you thinking?" He asked as his lips curled into a smirk. "You have an extremely dirty mind."

"Oh yeah? And where exactly do kids come from?" She blurted out.

"Shall we start then?" He asked with a shadow of wink.

Maya froze and averted her gaze from him. What was he trying to imply? She pulled in a deep breath and willed herself to calm down.

She tried not to let her thoughts stray. He didn't mean it in a wrong way, she told herself repeatedly. 

"Shut up." She muttered and hid her face in her hands. This was embarrassing. Why did he have to be so blunt? 

"You are red all over." He said with a smirk.

"What else do you expect when you talk about such stuff?" She muttered in embarrassment.

"Way to be straight forward Maya! Look at yourself in the mirror." He said laughing at her blunt response. "I never knew you to be so shy."

"I am not shy." She said. Blame her dirty mind for having imagined all those perverted things that made her blush even more.

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