Chapter 42

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"Will you tell me where we are going?" Maya asked, glancing at Zayan. They had been driving for the past fifteen mintutes and she had no idea where he was taking her. He had reached home and told her to quickly get ready as they had to go some where important. Confused, she had gotten ready.

"Yeah, I'm going to kill you and dump you somewhere." He said without taking his eyes off the road.

"You're a lawyer so you can't possibly kill me." She said with a roll of her eyes.

"Exactly. I'm a lawyer and a very good one at that, so I can easily hide all the evidences." 

"Do you realize that I can report you for kidnapping and threatening me?"

"I'm a lawyer, I'll get away with it." He said with a small smirk, enoying teasing her. 

"Fine. Don't tell me. Curiousity killed the cat anyway." She said, giving up and looked out of the window.

"It's good that you're not a cat then." He chuckled at her expression.

Maya stared put of the window as cars rushed past them. Zayan was driving at a slow, lazy speed which was irritating her as the road was practically empty ahead of them. She had realized that he had a stable temprament in everything he did whereas she would always do everything to the extreme. Her happiness was extreme and so was her depression.

Zayan glanced at Maya as she had gotten quiet. He scratched his neck and opened his mouth to speak but closed it again.

"Uh, actually... Actually, Mama thinks that we should go out somewhere for dinner." He said without meeting her eye.

"That wasn't too hard to say was it now?" Maya said to him.

"So where do you want to go?" He asked instead.

"I don't mind, you choose." She shrugged.

"No, this is a treat for your job too. So it's your choice." 

"I'll be giving the treat for the job." She said as a smile crinkled her eyes at the thought. The moment she had received the e-mail for her acceptance, she was so happy as if she had gotten accepted into medschool all over again.

She had felt so glad as if the first shackle that bound her fell off. She felt freed as if she had taken the first step to be the Maya she used to be. People envision their future selves but she just wanted to return to her old self. She was so glad that she had gone for the interview for assistant doctor. She hadn't said it to Zayan, but it was because he had encouraged her that she had done it. Otherwise she wouldn't have had the courage to go for it.

She hadn't even realized that she had missed medicine so much. The smiles of the people she could help in any way. The gratitude of the patients for even a simple cough syrup prescription for their throats. The duas of her elderly patients. The toothy grins of the kids in the paediatric ward if you just offered them a small lollipop. The happy tears of parents. The continual reminder of the temporariness of this life.

She missed it all so much.

"Maya?"  A voice resonated through her thoughts making her snap back to reality.


"Where are you lost?" He said eyeing her smile. "Where do you want to go?"

Maya blew out a sigh as she looked around thoughtfully, immediately recognizing the familiar roads that were lit with street lights and commercial sign boards.

"There's this dhaba on the second roundabout from here. The uncle there makes really tasty food." She smiled as she reminisced her student life days as they always used to come here for food as it was right in front of her medschool.

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