Chapter 34

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I didn't feel like updating for some reason, but I couldn't not update. Your response in the last chapter was amazing.

A huge shoutout to @Queen0226 for taking her time to comment. And also a huge thanks to everyone else who voted and commented.

Please don't be silent readers. Can you imagine how a single vote or comment of yours can make someone feel so good? It doesn't hurt to press the little star button. If you can take the time to read the chapter, I'm sure you can spend a few more seconds to vote and comment too.



Maya was walking up and down the bedroom with worry gripping her. Her heart drummed against her chest and her pulse sounded in her throat. Her gaze faltered on the clock every other minute, but time was passing at an excruciatingly slow pace.

She slumped down on the bed, her shoulders drooping and she face buried in her hands.

Her eyes riveted back to the clock ticking away. Another hour had passed and Zayan still wasn't home. 

Where was he? He never did this. 

She had called his office and they had informed her that he hadn't even come to work today. Then she had called him multiple times and his phone just went in voicemail. After a while he had messaged her saying that he might be late. That was all.

She hadn't even told Mama yet, not wanting her to worry or think that Zayan didn't share anything with her.

She was getting restless by every second that passed.  Where was he? Was he alright? Doubts started to creep through her mind.

Why was he late and why wasn't he picking his phone either? He wasn't at office so where was he so busy? He should be alright if he could message saying he would come late and his phone battery couldn't have died either. She counted each possibility after the next but nothing seemed likely.

What was he doing then? Was he... was he with another woman? Her eyes widened at the thought and she discarded it as quickly as it had come. That wasn't possible. But didn't men have desires and needs? She knew them well. After all she had nearly been a victim of a man's disgusting desires too. She muttered astaghfirallah under her breath. How could she doubt him?

But the again, it wasn't like she provided him with anything like that even though she was his wife? Didn't men resort to extramarital affairs because their wives couldn't fulfill their needs?

Her heart beat wildly in her chest. If Zayan ever resorted to anything like that. it would be er fault too. 

No. Zayan wasn't like that. 

But wasn't he a man too?

She shrugged that disgusting thought away and her eyes wavered to the clock again. Another five minutes had passed yet it felt like a whole hour had passed.

Her heart was racing as if she had run a marathon. There was a nagging feeling in her that something bad was going to happen. She heaved a loud sigh trying to hold onto reality and discarded the useless thoughts.

She glanced at her phone on the side table and picked it up. With trembling fingers, she redialed his number for the upteenth time. She held it to her ear in anticipation and almost growled in frustrstion when the operator's voice sounded in her ears. She resisted the urge to throw the phone across the room and got up from the bed feeling restless.

She ambled out of the room and her legs carried her towards her mother-in-law's room. She collected herself and inhaled a deep breath before knocking on the door softly and peeked in.

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