Chapter 30

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Sorry for being late guys

We had load shedding here at an unexpected time and so I didn't have WiFi...


The chirping, twittering and whisling of the birds awkanened Maya from her peaceful slumber. Her eyes slowly fluttered open. She closed them again due to the sunlight shining through the windows. The gentle rays of the sun peering through the glass window stung her eyes and she let out a yawn and realized how tired she was. She snuggled deeper into the pillow and went to sleep again.

Suddenly, she felt the pillow under her moving up and down. What was happening? She wrapped her arms around it tightly but it moved again. She irritatedly open her eyes and what she saw next made her freeze. Her eyes clashed with Zayan's face.

It was not a pillow. It was Zayan.

She quickly snatched her arms from around him and jolted up in shock as if she had been electrocuted by him.

She sat up straight and tried to remember when she had come this close to him in her sleep. She always slept on the other side of the bed and she wasn't  the one to move around in her sleep. Had he come closer to her when she was asleep?

She gritted her teeth at that thought. How dare he? How dare he come close to her when she was sleeping? She couldn't even remember last night. Was she not safe in this house either? She had really began to trust him.

She moved away from the bed and went to the washroom and slammed the door behind her, not caring if he woke up. She splashed water on her face to feel awake. She rubbed her eyes again and tried to get the sleep out of them.

After changing into fresh clothes, she got out of the room hurriedly not even glancing at Zayan.

She went to the kitchen to eat something but came out and decided that she wasn't hungry.

She was very disgusted. She had thought that Zayan was a respectable person and knew his limits. Just because she was married to him didn't mean that he could invade her personal space whenever he wanted. She had never felt more insecure.

All the memories of being touched forcefully came crashing back and she gritted her teeth. How dare he? Were all men really the same? Were their selfish desires more important than a woman's honour?

Why did her brother have to get her married to him? Why?

She angrily turned on the tv and sat down on the sofa with her legs stretched in front of her.

She pressed on the buttons on the remote hard to flip the channels. She wanted to smash the remote on the tv to take out her anger. Before she could do that Zayan came out of the bedroom stretching.

"Salam." He said throwing a small smile as he brushed his fingers through his hair and stifled a yawn.

"Walaikum Salam." She replied rigidly not even bothering to look in his direction. He was such a jerk. She hated him.

She put the remote back on the sofa and left to their room again deciding she could not breathe the same air as him.

A perplexed Zayan followed her into the room.

"What's for breakfast?" He asked Maya yawning again.

"Nothing." She replied rigidly as she took out her phone and put in the password for it.

"What do you mean nothing?" He asked frowning. 

Her fingers on her phone stilled but she didn't bother to reply and just ignored his very presence.

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