Chapter 28

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An extra long chapter for you all!


Maya was standing in front of the closet as she rummaged between the clothes.

She had so many fancy clothes that she couldn't choose a single one from them. Finally, she picked out a red frock. It had flower embellishments on the front and a dupatta with rhinestone balls on the rim. She put it against herself and her lips curled into a small smile. She remembered how her brother used to tell her that she looked the best in red. Her eyes filled up when she thought about him.

She was not ready to forgive him. If it had not been for him, she would not have been in this situation. He had forced her. She had no choice but to get married in the situation he had created. 

How could she have told her parents that what happened to their daughter. Her father was already a heart patient and she could never give him such a big shock that could be life threatening to him. Her parents had did so much for her so she could do this much for them. But she still wished that her brother forced her into this. Her parents would never have found out anyway but she didn't need to get married either.

Her emotions were masking her rational thinking. Whenever she thought about it her heart broke all over again. She just wished that what had happened that day had never happened. She wished he hadn't touched her. The more she thought about it she started blaming herself as well. She told her mother that she wanted to get married and that was the reason her mother didn't reject later on and thought that she was just nervous.

She wiped the tears with the back of her hand and sniffed. She was such a mess. And she had created this mess around herself. She hated herself so much. Had it not been for her wild tongue, that guy wouldn't have ever come after her.

She didn't notice that she was clenching her fists until she felt pain on her palm when her nails dug into it. 

She stared at her open hands. Was this her destiny? Was this going to be her life from now on? Wallowing in self pity and depression. She used to be a cheerful person who had a optimistic and positive outlook on life no matter what. 

She sat on the bed and rested her head into her hands and stared at the floor through tears in her eyes. If she continued like this she would go mad. Her thoughts were killing her. She had no one to talk to, no outlet for her emotions. She just suppressed it all inside and she just couldn't take it anymore.

She didn't want to get ready now. She didn't want to go to her parents house, her house. They were going to have dinner at her parent's house as was the tradition. She didn't want to face her brother but she did miss her parents so much. She hadn't been away from them even for this long. 

She glanced at the clock on the wall. The ticking sound of the clock filled the silent room and she realized that they would get late if she didn't start getting ready now.

After taking a shower, she quickly donned her dress. It flowed smoothly in the front and she ran her hand over it to straighten it.

She was taking out her makeup when the door opened to reveal Zayan. She quickly took the discarded dupatta and placed it on her shoulders as her clothes tightly fitted her bodice.

"Are you ready?" He asked her.

"Yeah almost."

"We'll leave in 15 minutes then. I'll just quickly take a shower." Zayan said quickly and headed to the washroom after taking out his clothes.

She rubbed some concealer over her dark circles hoping she didn't look depressed. She adorned her lids with a coat of eye liner and winged it to the side. She applied some lip gloss on her lips and smacked them together.

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