Chapter 4 - Exploring Phoenix Drop

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Things to know:

Y/N-your name

L/N-your last name

H/C-your hair color

E/C-your eye color

F/C-fav color

(I will add more as the book goes one)

Italics are thoughts

Y/N's P.O.V

Aaron and I were walking around the village. Okay, Aaron was the one walking. He was carrying me around on his back. "Ugh, come on Aaron, you walk so slow!" He started to walk slower. "Seriously Aaron. Go faster!"

"Okay." And he bolted forward after that. I almost fell off his back. 

"Okay, okay! You don't have to go that fast!" He started to slow down.

I rested my chin on his shoulder. "You know what? I never expected my sister to be in this village. I haven't seen her in years. 12 years to be exact. But, sh-she's actually h-here. I thought I lost her wh-wh-when-" I started to cry. I just missed her so much. She was my best friend. I wanted her to be safe even if I never saw her again. Aaron set me down. He wrapped his arms around me and embraced me in a hug. 

"I get it Y/N. You missed her. She was your everything, but you lost her. And now that you're here with her, you just can't stop thinking about it. It's okay." 

"Th-thanks Aaron." I jumped onto his back again and he started walking forward. We went to the plaza. I saw three men who looked like guards. One with sandy blonde hair and icy blue eyes. Another with ocean blue hair and ocean blue eyes. The last one had brown hair and sky blue eyes. 

"Hey, guys. Over here!" He waved to them and they started walking over. He set me down on the floor. I could almost stand but he held onto my arm so I wouldn't lose my balance. Once they got here the blond one introduced himself. 

"Hi, I'm Garroth, head guard of Phoenix Drop. This is Dante," he said pointing to the blue haired one, " and this is Laurence." 

"You can call me anything you want, baby." The Casanova said winking at me. 

"How 'bout stupid?" 


"Well, you did say I could call you anything I wanted. So, I chose stupid." 

"Pfft, whatever." Everyone started laughing. "Guys, it's not funny!" "Then why are they laughing?" I asked him. He just stormed off. "Wow, I don't think I've ever seen Laurence so offended. And by a girl he was trying to hit on! Even better!"

"Yeah, so anyway. Are there any other Casanova's  or just him and that white-haired dude Travis?" 

"Don't worry, it's just them. I'm Dante by the way." 

"Y/N. Pleasure to meet you. Oh, and Garroth." 


"If you even think about hurting my sister I will murder you with my bare hands." 

"Y-yes ma'am. Wait, since when did Aph have a sister?" Wow, boys are so stupid. 

"I don't know. Since for as long as she's been alive maybe?!" Seriously, what is wrong with people! 

"Okay, sheesh. I have to get back to guard duty. Catch you guys later?" 

"Yep, bye." He ran off. 

"And I promised Zoey I would help her hang some fairy lights," Dante said. 

"Okay, see you later." 


It was just me and Aaron, alone, again. "So, Y/N, are you hungry or something?"

"Oh, my Irene yes! I want food. Where can I find food?!" 

"There's a café down there. Come on, let's get going." 

"Yay! Food!" I jumped on his back and he started walking towards the café.

Aaron's P.O.V

She jumped onto my back and I started walking toward the awfully pink café. Hanging out with Y/N was fun. She always had a way of making people happy, even if she was down herself. I never thought I would find someone this fun after Aphmau. No wonder they're sisters. They even look alike. But Y/N was way prettier then Aphmau. Aaron, stop. You swore to never love anyone because they always leave you. I got lost in my thoughts and almost passed the café. But 'luckily' Y/N had screamed in my ear at the top of her lungs. "WE'RE HERE!" She jumped off my back and tried to run in. But she forgot about her leg. Again. She started to fall but I grabbed her wrist before she almost killed herself. 

"You seriously need to learn to chill. What if I don't catch you on time. You're going to kill yourself if you don't calm down." I pulled her back up. "Come on, let's go in."

A/N: Hey guys. Sorry, this chapter is kind of short. I'm 'supposed' to be asleep by now but I could honestly care less. I also had lots of homework and since I'm a procrastinator I didn't do it until like an hour or two ago. I have a problem, I know. I actually wasn't going to update today but I did! Aren't you proud of me! Okay, well, ba-bye! -Gabby

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