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You should know these already but I'll put them anyway cuz I'm a nice person:

Y/N-your name

E/C-your eye color

H/C-your hair color

F/C-your fav color

W/C-your weapon of choice (I feel so smart saying that!)

Also, mild profanity. Or like, really intense profanity. IDK. ;-)

And remember, Italics are thoughts.

Okay, time for le story!


"Y/N, the shadow knights know I'm here. And their coming to find us.

Y/N's P.O.V

"Wait, how do they know your here?" I questioned. "Probably because Dante or Laurence screwed something up." "Why are Dante and Laurence here?" "Well, they were supposed to be distracting the shadow knights but instead they probably did something really stupid and got caught. But that's not important. What's important is that we get you out of here." He said as he ran towards the door, motioning his hand for me to follow him. I stood where I was, remembering I couldn't run because of my stomach. "Y/N? Are you coming?" "Aaron, I can't run." "Why?" I pulled up the bottom half of my shirt to show him all the bandages covered with dry blood. "What. The. Hell. Happened. To. Your. Stomach." "Um, m-my dad." He looked at me with furious eyes. "Wait, your dad actually had the NERVE to HURT HIS OWN DAUGHTER!" "Aaron, calm down. If you keep yelling you're going to get us caught." I whisper-yelled. "Oh yeah, sorry." He ran over to me and picked me up. "Okay, I'm getting you out of here." He said as he ran out the door and down one of the extremely long hallways. It wasn't long before I heard at least a dozen footsteps and lots of yelling. "Aaron, their coming." He just ran faster.

We managed to make it out of the back of the castle without getting caught. Aaron set me down for a second. "Aaron, are you okay?" "I'm *pant* fine." Then I heard some more yelling and footsteps. "Aaron, their-" But he threw me over his shoulder and started running again. "OVER HERE!" I heard one of them yell. Aaron ran even faster then ever as a few of them started chasing us. One of them pulled out a blood red sword. "Um, A-Aaron. They um, they have their swords out." He looked at me. "There's a dagger somewhere on my belt." I looked on the side of his belt and saw a black and red dagger and grabbed it. "What do I do with it?"

"You see that purple circle in the middle?" "Um, yeah." "Press it." So I gently pushed down on the purple circle. It grew longer and got wider. It was also getting really heavy. It soon grew into a full on sword. "Very purple," I said as I inspected it. "Why is it so purple?" He gave me a look. "Y/N, we're being chased by, like, I don't even know how many shadow knights, and you're asking me why MY SWORD IS PURPLE!!!!" "Oh, yeah....hehe." I looked over to my left and saw the nether portal. "We're almost there." I told him.

We were only a few feet away when a shadow knight jumped in front of Aaron. I couldn't see who it was because I was facing the other way but I knew because he stopped and I almost fell onto my face. "Where the hell do you thing you two are going?" Shit. Dad. "We're leaving. You got a problem with that?" "Yeah, I do. I need my daughter's power. So, if you could kindly give her to-" I heard something bang against something else and Aaron started running towards the portal. A shadow knight ran up to me and grabbed my wrist. She pulled me off of Aaron and started running. "Hey, let me go!" I screamed as I struggled to get out of her grasp. "Nope." Her grip got tighter and tighter until my wrist started turning a deep purple. Aaron was hot on her trail with his purple sword in hand. "I said, let. Me. GO!" I whipped around and swung my other arm towards her face. I hit her nose so hard there was a very loud Crack and a Snap and blood started flowing down. She let go of my wrist and grabbed her nose. I tried my best to run and started towards the portal. Aaron ran after me.

We both stood right in front of the portal once we reached it. I was about to jump in but someone grabbed me from behind and covered my mouth. Someone else grabbed Aaron. I tried to scream but they were all muffled. So, I bit whoever's hand it was. "You god damn little bitch!" he screeched. It was my dad. Great. I bolted over to Aaron and helped him get free. Then, about a dozen shadow knights came out of no where. Two grabbed Aaron's arms and took out his legs. All the others ran towards me and tried to grab me. But, a F/C flash of light seemed to have blasted all of them away, but Aaron was standing still. I looked where the light source was, and it was on my hand. "F*CK!" One of them yelled. "SHE'S DOING THE THING AGAIN!" Then they all suddenly ran the other direction.

"W-what, j-just ha-happened?" I said facing Aaron. "Y/N, now is not the time. We have to go." He helped me over to the nether portal and we both jumped in. Some wavy purple shit happened and we were back in the cave. Laurence, Dante, Garroth and Cadenza were waiting for us. "Break the portal." Aaron demanded. Garroth ran over with a diamond pickaxe and broke a few blocks off. "Um, hi." I said. "You-you're alive. B-but-Aaron, how did you guys make it out?" "Long story. Have Y/N tell you." "Oh, well, you see-" I felt a wave of dizziness go over me. I held my head. "Y/N, are you okay?" Aaron rushed over to me. "Um, y-yeah. Fine. So anyway, we were-" My head was now throbbing and another wave of dizziness rushed over me. I held my head and started to lose balance. Aaron caught me just before I fell over. "Okay, you know what. No stories. We have to get Y/N home. Now." "Aaron, I-I'm f-f-fine." I tried to argue, but then, a wave of darkness took over.

A/N: SORRY SORRY SORRY SORRY SORRY SORRY SORRY SORRY SORRY SORRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! OMG I feel so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so sssoooooooooooo bad right now! OMG I'm so sorry! I haven't updated in like a week or two and I'm so sorry! I want to cry right now I feel so bad. I'm not kidding. I really do. I already am. SSSOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! Okay, Okay, I'm calm. Anywho..........how are you. Good. Well, Idk what else to say now except I'm so sorry!!!!! SORRY! Okay, you know what, I'm going to bed. It's been a long day. NIGHT!!!!! Ba-Bye! ~AUTHOR~CHAN IS SO SORRY!!!

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