*Getting Home*

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Okay, Okay, I get it. You guys are mad at me for not updating. I get that. Please, forgive me Senpai. Please Senpai, I love you. Please, forgive me. Okay, now, things you will need to know:

Y/N-your name 

E/C-your eye color

H/C-hair color 

F/C-your fav color

W/C-your weapon choice 

Profanity. Just warning you.

Also, Italics are thoughts. And your dream. 

Should we start? Yeah, we should start. ;-)


My head was now throbbing and another wave of dizziness rushed over me. I held my head and started to lose balance. Aaron caught me just before I fell over. "Okay, you know what. No stories. We have to get Y/N home. Now." "Aaron, I-I'm f-f-fine." I tried to argue, but then, a wave of darkness took over.

Aaron's P.O.V

Y/N's eyes slowly closed shut and she started to get heavier. (As in, when you faint, your body gets heavier, like when you sleep. No, Aaron's not calling you fat ;-p) "Y/N?" I looked down at her. Her breathing was heavy and she was shaking. "Shit." I mumbled to myself. "What's wrong?" Cadenza asked as she walked over. "Y/N fainted, and I have no idea why." Cadenza grabbed Y/N's wrist and pressed her two fingers against it. "Her pulse seems to be normal. That's good." She pressed the back of her hand against Y/N's forehead. "No fever." She looked over to me. "I don't know what could have happened. She doesn't seem to be sick or anything." Then I remembered what happened in the nether. The F/C aura surrounding her. Maybe that had something to do with it. "In the-" Wait, does she even know what happened? Should I even tell them?

They all looked at me. "What?" Dante asked. "Um, never mind. I lost it." They all gave me a funny look but went back to their conversation. "Um, guys, we need to get Y/N home and to Zoey." I told them. "Right," said Laurence. "Okay, Aaron, you remember the horses we rode over here?" I nodded. "Okay, you take Destiny and ride her back to Phoenix Drop with Y/N. Garroth and Dante, go with him, make sure nothing happens. Cadenza and I will stay here a little while longer and make sure nothing goes on with the portal. We need to make sure it doesn't open again." Dante, Garroth and I all nodded our heads in unison and we started towards the entrance of the cave, Y/N in my arms. 

I jumped onto Destiny, with Y/N's head on my arm and her lying across my lap. Dante jumped onto Misty and Garroth jumped onto Rogue and we then set off to Phoenix Drop. "Aaron, what exactly happened to Y/N in the nether?" Should I tell them?  "Well, she was abused. A lot. By her dad." "Wait, her dad?!" Garroth questioned.  "Yeah.....Um, her dad is the- he's the-um-he's the shadow lord." "WHAT?!?!" "Yeah.......So anyway, her dad, he-stabbed her- a lot. Like, a lot a lot." "Is she okay?!" I looked down at her. She was shaking, a lot. And her breath was really shaky. "Um, yeah, she should be okay." I lied. They both seemed satisfied with my answer and focused on getting back to Phoenix Drop.

Y/N's P.O.V

I woke up lying down on my back in the center of a very large room. It was red. Extremely red. "W-where am I?" "You're in the nether dear." I heard a gentle voice say. "He-hello? Wh-who's there?" "No need to worry, my child. It is only me." A woman walked around the corner and I recognized her immediately. I bolted as fast as I could over to her before a basically tackled her to the ground, wrapping my arms around her. "M-mom?" I said as a few warm tears rolled down my cheek. "Yes dear, it is me." She wrapped her arms around me and embraced the hug. "W-why am I h-here?"

"W-well dear," She said. But, she stuttered. She never stutters. "Are you okay?" "Y-yeah. It's just-I need to warn you. A great danger will come. And, sacrifices will made. By the ones you love most. And you will lose many loved ones. But you must promise me, you will stay strong. No matter what." "I promise." She cupped my cheeks in her hands and kissed my forehead. "I love you my child. Goodbye." Then, she slowly faded until there was only air where she stood. "I love you too." I whispered.

There was a flash of white and I found myself in front of the gates of Phoenix Drop. I looked around and saw something lying on the ground. No, I saw someone lying  on the ground. I slowly walked towards them. As I got closer, I realized who it was. It was Aaron. A pool of blood surrounded him. I ran over to him and fell onto my knees. "Aaron?" I mumbled. No answer. "Aaron?" Again, no answer. I heard shouts and saw everyone running my way. I had no time to get up, so I sat where I was and covered my head. They all ran right through me. No wonder Aaron can't hear me, it's just another vision, I thought.

I stood up and walked towards Phoenix Drop, some tears in my eyes, but then, a F/C light came over me.

Aaron's P.O.V

We stood in front of the Phoenix Drop gate. "TRAVIS!" I called. Nothing. "TRAVIS!" "What?" He said as he walked to the ledge of the bridge. "Open the god damn gate Travis!" He looked down at us. He must've seen Y/N because he ran to the ladder, climbed down, and opened the gate within like, five seconds. We ran in and Travis followed. "W-what happened?" He asked. "Long story, no time to explain." I said.

We reached Aphmau's house and Laurence kicked down the door. "WHAT THE HELL LAURENCE!" Dante, Travis and Garroth all screamed. "What?" He asked. I was to busy trying to get Y/N downstairs and finding Zoey to worry about the door. "ZOEY!" I screamed. "Y-yes." She said startled. "Zoey, Y/N blacked out. I don't know how, I don't know why. She's not injured. Didn't lose any blood. She just, BLACKED OUT!" I said. Wow, that was a mouthful. "Oh my Irene! Get her to the second room on the right immediately!" So I ran to where Zoey instructed me to go.

I gently placed Y/N on the bed as Zoey, Aph, Garroth, Travis and Dante ran in. "What could have happened Aaron?" Zoey asked as Aph ran to Y/N's side. "I-I don't know. On second we were in the nether. She was fine. The next second, she was surround by a F/C aura, and then-" Zoey stopped me. "A F/C aura? No wonder she passed out! She's a magicks user. She must not be used to her magicks yet. The magicks must've used all her energy, and since she's not used to it, she blacked out! Wow, I'm smart." She said as the walked out of a room.

She walked back in and was holding a book. "Okay, just let her rest for now. Aaron, since you live with her, take this book. It's a book on anything and everything about magicks." I nodded my head as she handed me the book. "Guys, we should let Y/N rest," Dante said. "We can come back later." They all left the room. "You coming Aaron?" Travis asked. "Um, yah, I'll be right there." I walked over to Y/N and pushed a strand of hair out of her face. "Get well soon, okay?" I whispered. I kissed her forehead and walked out of the room.

A/N: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG!!! SSSSSSSSSSSOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I haven't been sticking to my schedule and I feel so bad!!!!! Sorry!!!!! Okay, okay, I will now do my very best to stick to schedule. I've just been so busy lately!!!! GAAHHHHHH!!!

So you guys like da story so far? I know I do! How ya been? Good, good. Kay! I gotta go now! Ba-bye! ~Le Gabby~senpai was here (a.k.a Author~chan)

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