*I Love You...*

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You know what I'm going to say:

Y/N-your name

E/C-your eye color

F/C-your fav color

H/C-your hair color

W/C-weapon choice

S/F/C-second fav color

Italics are thoughts

Be prepared to be hit with feels

Okay, let's start da story!

Y/N's P.O.V

I watched as he fell to the floor. "Aaron!" I shouted, as I tried to catch him. "MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Zane was laughing maniacally over in the corner. That little bitch is so going to pay for this! Aphmau and the others ran over to me. "Y/N?! What the hell happened?!" Aph was running around in circles. "A-Aaron?" He was still breathing. "ZOEY!" Garroth screamed. "Ap-Aph? G-get Zoey." I instructed her. She ran back to her house.

"Okay, let's go." Zane instructed his guards. They started to walk away. "Wait." He turned around. "What do you want, you potato?" I shot him a disgusted look. I mean, I am short, but really? I am NO potato. Am I? I don't know. "I'm not done with you." I stood up, shakily. "What are you going to do? Are you going to try and defeat me? Yeah, no. That's not going to work. Come on! Let's go." He motioned for his guards to follow him.

I held up my hand. "You're not going anywhere." I faint light appeared, but quickly faded away. ("I found Zoey!" Aph shouted from behind me.) "Okay, look. I need to get back to taking over the world, so, if you'll excuse me." He started to walk away. "I said, You're. Not. Going. Anywhere." My hand started to glow a bright F/C and a S/F/C aura surrounded me. I felt myself being lifted off the ground.

"Um, guys..." Everyone from behind me took a step back. "W-what's she d-doing?" I heard Aph ask. "Yeah, I'm leaving now. Bye!" Zane tried to scurry away, but something lifted him up from the ground. I came to realization that it was me. "Wh-what the hell?" He was squirming around like an idiot. "You're going to pay!" I flicked my hand forward and Zane moved in that direction, soon slamming into a tree. "OW!"

"Y/N stop!" Aph cried from behind me. "Nope!" I popped the 'p'. "Zane will pay for everything he's ever done!" I lifted him up again.  "Y/N please!" She pleaded. "G-guards! G-get h-her!" Zane screamed from mid-air. A few guards came running my way. I flicked my wrist (look at da flick of dat wrist. lolololol. That's so old, I know.) and they all flew to my left. "YoU tHInK YOu CaN SToP mE!!! HAHAHAHAHA!"

I couldn't control it. Some kind of monster took over. A monster. No. No I can't! I'm not going to be like him! I tried and tried to control it. "Y/N!" I heard someone yelling my name. "A-Aph? Aph! Aph help!" I called out. "Y/N please! You're not like this!" She pleaded. S-she can't hear me. "OW!" I heard something slam into something else. "Y/N PLEASE!"

Everything around me went still. "H-huh?" I looked around. The world was frozen. Zane stuck in mid-air, Aph shouting something, and...me. I looked at myself. I was a monster. My clothes stained red, my eyes bloodshot. "T-this c-can't b-be me. I-I'm not a m-monster!" I cried.

I felt someone grab my shoulder. "MOM!" She looked me dead in the eye. "W-what h-have you d-done?" She cried. "I-I don't k-know!" A sat there with my knees to my chest. "M-mom? I-I can't c-control it. Please, h-help me." She slowly nodded her head. "I-I can t-try." There was a flash of white, and she was gone.

I felt myself falling. I waited for impact, but it never came. "Y/N!" Aph cried. I felt someone's tight embrace around me. "Y/N are you okay?!" I opened up my eyes and saw Dante had caught me. "Y/N? Y/N?!" "W-what h-happened?" Aph looked at me wide-eyed. "Y-you don't remember?" I shook my head 'no'. "Aph, she needs rest." I heard Laurence mumble. She nodded her head. "Okay, let's get you to Zoey."


I sat up and looked around the room I was in. "Hey Y/N, are you okay?" Zoey asked as she walked into the room. "Y-yeah. I think so." She sat down on the bed next to me. "Zoey, what happened?" I asked curiously. She sighed. "We don't actually know. We think it had somethng to with your magiks and your dad being the shadow lord. Something was controling you, and we think it was your dad. It was some sort of demon, in your head. Yeah..." I nodded slowly, trying to understand.

"Y/N you need rest, lay back down." I slowly fell back onto the bed. "Call me if you need anything, okay?" I nodded and put my head against the pillow. UGH! Why did he do this to me again?! I'm so bored. Naaahhhhhh! Maybe I could sneak out and go find Aaron...Yeah. Wait, AARON! Holy mother of Irene!

I jumped out of the bed and sprinted out of the room. "Y/N? Y/N what did I tell you about resting?! Ugh!" Zoey  stated. "Zoey where's Aaron?" I asked as my eyes darted around the basement. "Oh yeah, um, about that..." She trailed off. "Zoey what happened?" "........." "Zoey?" She looked down at the floor. "Y/N, we don't think he's going to make it."

I felt my eyes start to tears up. "W-what?" "Y/N, the arrow hit him right next to his heart. W-we don't know how long it's going to be b-before he...y-you know?" I slightly nodded my head. "Z-Zoey? W-where is h-he?" "H-he's still out in the forest." I turned around and bolted up the stairs. "Y/N?!"

I broke down the door and ran down the hill. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!! I ran straight into the forest. "What are we going to tell her?" I heard some distant voices. "Is he still conscious?" Another one. I started towards them.

I found myself in the area I had passed out. "Yeah, pretty sure he's still conscious." I looked around and saw something purple. Aph. I ran over to her.

"Where's Aaron?!" I looked around frantically, though I could barely see because my eyes were full of tears. I made out a figure pointing down. I lowered my head and saw black. "A-Aaron?" A few tears rolled down my cheeks. "Aaron please!"

I fell to my knees. "A-Aaron please..." I sobbed into his shoulder. "Y-Y/N?" I felt a cold hand on mine. I looked up. "A-Aaron?" He smiled faintly.

"AARON!" I hugged him so tight I'm pretty sure he turned blue. "Y-you-you're o-okay." He shook his head 'no'. "W-what d-do you m-mean?" "Y/N, t-that d-doesn't m-matter." I sniffled. "O-okay."

His hand went from cold to legit ice. "Y-Y/N?" I smiled and felt tears pouring down my face. "I-I l-love you..." I felt myself shaking. "I-I-" I was cut off by him gently laying his lips on mine. I put my hand on the back of his head.

He pulled away from me. "I-I l-love you, t-too..." I felt a cold tears run down my face. Aaron tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and smiled faintly. His head fell back and his hands went ice cold. "A-Aaron?" No response. "Aaron p-please!"

3rd person P.O.V

"Aaron!" Y/N cried. "A-Aaron...p-please..." She sobbed into his cold shoulder. "Y-you c-can't l-leave m-me...p-please..." She looked at him. "I-I l-love y-you Aaron. P-please..."

She sat there, next to his lifeless body, as the tears in her eyes, just kept falling.

A/N: Well, that's the last official chapter of the book. Please don't kill me! Okay, thx. Also, I understand how you all will want a sequel. And.....no. Guys, I did a sad ending of the book because life isn't all fairy tales and happy endings. Please don't create a sequel for this book. That's basically taking all the credit for a book I wrote. So please, don't. If you find out anyone has done this please report it to me immediately or to one of the wattpad ambassadors. Now, I will be creating an epilogue for you all of a happy ending, probably. Not a definite though. I mean, do you want an epilogue or no? You don't have to read, if I make one. This is the official last chapter because I added the title in the ending. And, I said I will be creating a new book. There will be two. You should check them out when I publish them! *wink* *wink* *nudge* *nudge* Okay, I love you all and I'll maybe see you? Does that make sense? In the next book! Ba-bye! ~Thank you all so much for reading! Author~Chan approves! LOLOLOLOLOL

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