Chapter 7 - Laurence The Shadow Knight

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Things to know:

Y/N - your name

H/C - your hair color

E/C - your eye color

F/C - your fav color

Italics are thoughts 

Y/N's P.O.V

I woke up in Aaron's bed. The sun was too bright so I threw the blanket over my head.  I really wanted to sleep all day but I had to build my house. My leg felt better so I walked over to where Aaron was sleeping. "Aaron," I whispered. Too quiet. "Aaron, get up." Still nothing. "AARON!!!!" 

"W-what the hell? Y-Y/N? What the hell did you do that for?" 

"Well, you said you would help me build my house today. And I wanted to scare you. You scream like a five-year-old girl!" 

"Okay, sure. Let me get ready. Go ask Aphmau for supplies and if the guys can take off to help too." 

"Okay!" I walked up the hill that led to Aphy's house. I was still really tired. Why did I have to have that dream last night? That was like living in hell!

I knocked on the door. A few seconds later, Aphy came down. "Hi Aphy! Aaron and I are going to build a house for me today! I was wondering if you had any supplies and if Garroth, Laurence, Travis and Dante wanted to help us." 

"Oh, I'm sure they will help! There should be supplies in one of the booths in the plaza." 

"Okay, thank you so much! See you soon!" 

"Bye!" I was walking down the hill until I tripped over thin air. I rolled down the hill until I hit the hard gravel path. "Ouch!" I had my eyes closed because I was now staring at the sun. I tried to get up but I slipped and fell. 

"Y/N do you need help?" Laurence walked over and asked. 

"Um, yeah." He pulled me back up. "Thank you." 

"No problem." 

"Oh Laurence, do you and the guys want to help me build a house today? Aph said you could take the day off." 

"Sure, I'll help. I don't really know about the other guys but I'll go ask them. Want to come with?" 

"Sure!" We started walking toward the plaza. I saw Dante. " Dante! Come over here!" He ran over to where I was standing. "Okay," he panted, "I'm here." 

"Dante, take a breath. You didn't have to run." 

"I know. But why would I want to keep a pretty girl like you waiting?" 

"Oh, my Irene! Dante!" I started to laugh. I don't know why but whenever a guy flirts with me I think it's hilarious. I looked over a Laurence and he looked kind of irritated. I saw a hint of red in his eyes. The only way his eyes could turn red is if he was a-no, no. Don't think about that.

"So anyway. Dante, would you like to help me build a house today? Aph said you could have the day off." 

"Sure, I'll help. Do you want me to find Travis and Garroth for you?" 

"Sure! Thanks! See you in a bit!" 

"Bye!" He ran towards the guard tower. Aaron walked over right as he left. 

"Oh, hey Aaron! I got stupid and Dante to help us. I don't know about Travis or Garroth yet. Aphmau said there were supplies in one of the booths. You and Laurence go look for them. I'll stay here and wait for Dante." 

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