~ Chapter 7 ~

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We were right about Bella Swan being trouble, the stupid red headed leech; who is named Victoria was after her because her precious Cullen killed her mate.

A mate for a mate. Sounds reasonable in the law of vampires but Bella was human, not like that makes any difference to Victoria. She's getting a meal out of it.

I phased in anger when Jake told us, not because she was at risk. No because she and her Cullen's are the reason that we changed in the first place. The leech got too close to our people and the gene activates causing us to phase into the tribe protectors.

She needing to be taken care off, I wouldn't wish this changed upon anyone else.

"Taylor, you go left with your brother" Sam ordered me, I nod and sprint off after Paul. I scan the area for any sign off movements and sniffed the air for that sickly stench of leech but caught nothing.

"Why are we stuck on patrol again, while Jake gets to stay off and hang around with Leech lover?" Paul growled, in fairness he was right, all of us have been patrolling non stop, whiles Jake rested and hung out with his crush.

"We need to keep Bella down here Paul" Sam replied.

I jumped over a tree trunk landing next to my brother "It still isn't fair Sam" I shot back defending my brother.

"They are right Sam, we haven't had very much time to spend with our imprints" The images of Emily and Kim filled my mind.

I growled and rolled my eyes "I was talking about sleep dudes"

"Yeah, me too" Paul growled, digging his claw into the ground, he ears pinned back as he listened to the forest.

"Just you wait until you both imprint" Jared chuckled as the thought of us hot heads being whipped by someone special.

"I'm never going to imprint" We both snapped back.

"You can't help it if you do" Sam says showing us the memory of him imprinting on Emily, he only wanted to see his girlfriend and with one look into Emily's eyes... He was gone, Leah mattered no more in a romantic way. I knew he still cared for her but the imprint had took a strong hold on Emily and Sam's love "And you can't fight it" He warned.

"I will fight as long as I can if it happened" I stubbornly replied, snapping my jaw. I ran along the boarded line of the river; I paused in step as I caught Victoria's sent.

"Oh, look like the mutts are ready to play" She sneered, before jumping from a tree and sped away, I quickly tailed her, I shot my head back and howled telling my brothers I had found her.

Paul not been far away found me in no time, I quickened my pace, the bitch was fast but so was I. However I wasn't much on the strength side so me taking off was a risk I wasn't willing to take.

She suddenly changed direction "Sam, Embry" I called out "She heading your way" I watched through their mind as Sam jumps up in the air and snaps at the vampire, he caught part of her clothes but that didn't stop her. She turns and glares at Sam, she moves her arms in front of her and pushed Sam to the ground.

He howled in pain. I growled and sped up, getting to my Alpha in no time, I walked over to him and nudged his nose "Sammy"

"I'm fine" He groaned a little, I used my body to help him stand up "Already healing" He grumbled, Sam gave me a thank you nudge "Lets catch up to our brothers"

"Right behind you Sammy" Me and Sammy sprinted away, following the leeches sent "Paul where are you bro?"

"Near the cliffs" He growls, an image of her entered our minds, she was been flagged by our brothers but Paul was the closest.

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