~ Chapter 25 ~

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Jared growled and took a threatening step forward, he crouches low to the ground; like he was ready to pounce "Jared" I warned him. I stared into his eyes, pleading him not to do anything, however a hint of anger flashes over his eyes and his pupils dilated. . . . He was ready to kill.

My heart raises, a whimper escapes my mouth "Please Jared" I let out a whine. My pack brother was about to attack my imprint; I couldn't allow that. There was only one thing left to do was to shift and protect Emmett.

I took a protective stand in front of Emmett. Jared wasn't going to hurt him, he was my world. . . Wait! That's it. Pack members can not harm a imprint.

Jared growls and clawing the ground "NOO!" I screamed as he jumps up and heads straights for me and Emmett "You can't" I growled, Jared snapped his jaw at us. My shaking began as the threat toward my imprint was closing in on us. Without any warning my clothes shredded and replaced with fur.

I growled and snapped my jaw, warning him to get away. Jared didn't listen and knocked me over, I whimper as I hit the floor "TAYLOR!" I heard my imprint scream.

I needed to get up, he needed me. I growled and stood up, shaking off the bits of mud that stuck to my fur.

I rushed over to the threat. . . . He was no longer my brother.

My eyes darkened, my thought's cleared and my vision went blank. . . .The wolf had taken over, her mission was to kill the threat. I tilt my head back and lets out a long loud howl. Jared turns his attention to me "Tay!" He slowly asks taking a step forward, earning a growl from me "Taylor, it's me Jared"

I snap my jaw and without warning I pounced on Jared and pinned him to the ground. Jared whimpered in pain as I bit him on his ears, my growls got harsher and harsher as I went to go for the kill. . . . One more bite and the treat was gone "Taylor!"

"Taylor!" My head snapped up at the sound of my mates voice, he look a little afraid at the position me and my pack mate were in "Let him up" I growled and shook my head "He won't harm me"

"I won't" Jared thought to me "I promise" I hesitated but slowly got off Jared; not glancing at him I head over to Emmett and nudges his leg, he strokes the top of my head. This action earned him a purr in delight, my wolf was content with the touch of our mate.

My thought's came back to me and I re lived the day I imprinted on this wonderful man. Every single detail of the time we spent together, even the moment Sam found out and how he sorted our meetings.

Jared whimpered and walks towards us, he rubs his nose over mine "I'm sorry" Jared says licking my cheek, Emmett growled at him and pulls me closer, making me chuckle a little "I understand now" I turn my head to look at him.

"Understand?" I asked confused.

"Why your afraid to tell the pack, it's because he's a Cullen vampire" I cast my eyes to the ground "Sam and I understand cause we have both imprinted"

I nod my head "I know" I look up at my imprint then to Jared "I just don't want to lose anyone when they find out"

"Everything will be fine baby girl" He once again rubs his head on mine "Me, Sam, Emily and Kim will be there for you" My light up a little, I let out a little bark to show him how grateful I was.

"Jared?? Taylor??" The thoughts of another wolf made Taylor freeze in her place. . . . Who else knew? I whimpered afraid that her secret was out.

"Hey, calm down little sis it's just Sam" I let out a sigh in relief. My secret was safe but how long would it last for?

"Your going to have to tell them soon" Both pack mates told me, I nod my head.

"I know" I knew I have to tell them before they found out just like Jared did, I don't think I could handle another fight with my pack brothers or Leah.

I turn my attention to Emmett, he smiles down at me "Come on, lets get out of here" He says.

"Have fun Tay" Jared tells me.

"Don't be back late Paul's only on patrol for a couple of hours today" Sam warns me.

"Thank you" I replied and with out a second thought I jumped the line and followed after my imprint. Only time will tell when the best time is for me to tell the pack, for now I was going to spend my time with my Emmett.

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