~ Chapter 21~

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I tightly gripped hold of my imprints hand as he lead me throw the meadow, my head snapped to every inch of the meadow searching for any danger or wolves. I knew I was only been paranoid as this was the Cullen's land and no wolf were allowed to enter without permission.

But still that didn't stop me, my dream seemed so real at the time and with me being in the same meadow was rather frightening "Are you okay Tay?" Emmett's soft voice brought me out of thoughts.

I looked over at him to see he was looking at me in concern "I'm fine" I gave him a weak smile, he tilts his head to the side and looked me over. I let out a sigh and squeezed his hand "I promise" I spoke softly stroking his hand with my thumb.

Emmett nods but I could tell he wasn't convinced. He lead me to the middle off the meadow where a blanket and a basket was neatly set up. My heart leaped in my chest at the romantic gesture; he was so perfect and he was mine.

"Emmett" I spoke up my voice was in awe, making him chuckle. He moves in front of me and lifts my hand placing a kiss on my knuckle.

"Do you like it?" He says, you could hear the nervousness in his tone.

I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him to me "Oh Emmett" I sighed, rubbing my head into his neck, sniffing in his scent; my wolf purred in happiness "This is amazing" I say pulling away "Come on" I pulled him over to the blanket and took a seat in the middle.

Emmett sat right next to me his arms held me by the waist, as my head rested on his shoulder. We didn't say a word just enjoyed each others company. It was amazing to have my imprint in my arms; he didn't feel cold as I thought he would be. He was just like any other male I had cuddled with, apart from this one means something, whiles the others didn't.

I moved my head and look to him "So?"

"So?" Emmett shot back with a grin, making me laugh.

"Um, I want to know everything about you" I shyly says biting my thumb nail; it was a nasty habit of mine when I was nervous or scared. . . . That and playing with my hair.

"Stop that" He ordered, pulling my thumb away and laces his fingers with mine "Why don't we ask each other questions?"

"Sure" I smiled and thought a moment "Do you want to go first or should I?"

"I'll be a gentlemen and say ladies first" He teased with a mischief glee in his eyes. I knew from that moment my imprint was a joker and loved to cause mischief; and for some reason that was okay. I guess if I was taking the vampire part it would be stupid not to have the rest of him.

"Hm, easy one favorite color?" I asked him.

"White" I raised my eyebrow at him.

"That's not really a color Emmett" I shot back, he pulls me closer to him and whispers into my ear.

"It's the color of your fur" He purred, making me shiver, my face broke out into a wide grin. He loved my fur color.

"A-lright" I stuttered out. . . . Damn it Taylor! I cleared my throat and moved a bit away from him, he wore a victory smile "Your turn" I purred bring my face close to his.

"F-avorite" He clears his throat and looked away from me, he was clearly embarrassed for stuttering "Favorite thing to do?"

"Hm that's a tough one" I replied, running my hands up his arms, my eyes scanned his face as I leaned over. A smirk played on my lips as I saw him gulp "You" I say placing a swift kiss on his cheek. Emmett growled a flipped me over on my back.

"Your playing a dangerous game Miss Lahote"

I smirked at him "What's life without a little danger" I groaned out as I felt his hands rub against my waist. . . He was making it so hard not to pounce and take him right now.

"True" He leans in his face inches from my face, just a we were about to kiss his phone beeped; making us both groan in annoyance.

Emmett pulls back and take out his phone; he frowns at the message "What's wrong?" I asked getting up myself.

"Sam says it's time to go home, Paul is finishing his patrol soon" He mumbles standing up "You didn't even have any food"

I smiled sadly at him "There is always a next time?" I says but it came out as a question. I stood up on placed my hand on his cheek.

"Anything for you Taylor" He says pulling me into his arms, I sighed in content, I didn't want to leave; everything was better when I was with him. However I knew Sam was only looking out for me, I needed to get home and have a shower before my brother smelt vampire on me.

I pulled away from his embrace "I don't want this day to end" I said staring deeply into my mates eyes.

"Me either" He lowers his head, his eyes never once left mine as he edges closer and closer to my face. My heart rate raised as I waited for the moment our lips would connect "I'm going to kiss you now"

I whimpered and shivered at the huskiness of his voice "Emmett" I moaned out before he claimed my lips with his.

Words couldn't describe the feelings I was having from this magical moment, Emmett moved me closer to him as he deepens the kiss. I responded twice as passionate, I felt like I was on cloud nine; Jared and Sam's thoughts didn't live up to my feelings. I guess you wouldn't understand until it happened to yourself, feeling breathless I pulled back, placing my forehead on his.

Emmett raised his hand to stroke my cheek "I've been waiting ages to kiss you with out getting interrupted" He breathed out, staring down at me with love in his eyes.

"Ye-ah" I stuttered out "Me too" He leans forward giving me another peck on the lips and moves back, taking hold of my hand.

"Time to go" I nod my head sadly but my smile didn't fade away. . . . I just kissed my imprint and I couldn't wait to do it again.

An Unlikey Imprint (Emmett Cullen LS)Where stories live. Discover now