~ Chapter 46 ~

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It's been a couple of days since I broke Lisa nose, a couple of days since I finally broke down. I am feeling a hundred percent better with myself both mentally and emotionally. I had spend my days with Collin helping control his wolf, along with Paul and Sam, we have been working on phasing and phasing back without my help.

Also Paul had begun to teach him how to fight in this form, I wanted to disagree but with the threat of the newborns hanging over us, my opinion hardly mattered. We have plans to go to a training session tomorrow night as for right now, we were heading to the beach fora bonfire to welcome Collin into the pack along with Seth and Leah. We have been busy with trying to catch the redhead that we didn't formly welocme them to the pack as well.

I headed down the hill with a wide smile on my face, I watch as Collin tackled Seth to the ground and then Paul jumped on them both. I cringed a little as Collin collided with the ground, however the young lad just shook it off. As I went to join them I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist, a head buried in to my neck, a shiver ran through my body and I let out a sigh in content as a pair of lips ran down my neck. I turn around to come face to face with my love "Hey baby" I beamed up at Emmett, standing on my tip toes, I placed a quick kiss on his lips "Not that I didn't miss you" I groaned as his hands lowered to the bottom of my bad; his touch was pure magic "But what are you doing here?" I asked turning my head to a side in confusion. Emmett eyebrow raised with a questionable look "I was about to invite you" I say with a smile.

"Paul called me" He answered, his hand raises to stroke my cheek "He told me you were all having a bonfire to welcome Collin, Seth and Leah" I nod my head telling him it was truth "He said the imprints join as well" He leans closer, our faces were iches apart, before he could claim my lips a voice spoke up, making us both jump apart.

"Momma Taylor" I smiled at the young lad running towards us, he took a deep breath as he stood in front of me "Billy said it's time" He held out his hand for me to take; which I did. He then turns to face Emmett "Hello Emmett" He held out his other hand to shake Emmett's "I'm Collin, this ones baby cousin" He says nodding in my direction.

Emmett smiles wide as he was finally meeting the boy I had talked so much about, he shook Collin's hand "Nice to meet you Collin" I watched Collin's reaction, he was doing great with his control, he was in arms distances of a vampire and wasn't even shaking; he either had good control or it was the imprint protecter thing taking affect.

"We best not keep the elders waiting" I smile taking Emmett's hand into mine, the three of us headed over to the where the bonfire had been placed. The pack and elders were already sat down waiting to begin "Sorry to keep you" The group stared at me in shock apart from Paul and Sam, I let out a anonoyed sigh "What?"

"Yo-u sa-id sor-ry" Quil stuttered out.

I shrugged my "Yeah, so what?"

Collin pulls me down onto the long next to Sue and Billy "What he means momma Taylor is it just not a Lahote thing to apologize" He looks past me to Emmett "You've really grounded her haven't you" He says with a sly smile "Well done you" I groaned, I really wanted this conversion to stop.

"Why thank you" Emmett grinned, my heart skipped a beat as the cheeky smile he sent my way.

I rubbed my hand over my face "Can we just get on with the stories please" I paused and groaned once more, I was being polite again. . . . Damn the imprint affect.

"I think it's great that he bring out the best in you" Billy commented with a twinkle in his eyes "Now we have gathered here tonight to finally welcome Seth and Leah Clearwater" He nods in the siblings direction "And our newest member Collin Littlesea" He sents a smile at Collin, who's gripped tighten on my hand, I sent him a reasurring smile when he turned to look at me. Billy looks around the camp fire at each and everyone of us "We are deeply surprised at the sudden changed of Collin being that he is only thirteen" He pauses a moment "However it has come to our attention that a newborn army is threating a human life"

"Why should we care about Swan" Leah grumbled "She has brought nothing but trouble to us" I would agree with her if it didn't happen to involve Emmett and not only that, what if a newborn escaped the Cullen's grip and attack a tribe member or go one a killing spree in Forks.

"You have much to learn young one" Old Quil spoke up "It isn't just the life of that girl, the tribe and Forks will be at risk as well"

"Plus one of your own has imprinted on Emmett Cullen" Billy pipes in, all eyes turned to us "If you don't want to protect the girl, help protect an imprint and his family" Leah stares me in the eyes; her eyes held pity with a hint of sadness. She slowly nods her head, willing to fight for my imprint and his family, even if that did include Isabella Swan.

I would love to just leave her to her troubles but I knew Emmett would have to get involve; he really did love a good fight "We will have to be on the look out for any other members of the tribe that look like they are about to phase" Billy turns to Collin "How was Brady looking the time time you saw him?" Billy asks, my breath caught in my throat at the possibility of another young wolf.

"He was fine" Collin breathed out "Although, I caught sight of him yesterday, he shook alittle when he looked at me" Collin looks down at his lap, I knew he felt guilty in leaving his bestfriend behind. We have all been through it and it doesn't get easier, I gently patted his arm in comfort. He looks up at me and gives me a weak smile.

"I will keep an eye on him" I tell Billy but my eyes stay on Collin, I just promise to help his bestfriend "Ok?"

Collin nods "Thank you" I shot him a wink and turn back to Billy, he looks at me with a pride look lingering in his eyes.

"Now on with the stories and then we can dig into the lovely food Sue and Emily have spend all day cooking for us" Billy laughs as the pack stomach's growl as he spoke about having food, he lets out a sigh "Wolves" He utter under his breath.

I look up at Emmett "I hope you enjoy our tribe stories, even if it is about us killing your kind" I beamed up at him.

"I think I can cope with it" He shoots me a wink, I giggle and snuggled into his chest, my hand stayed connected with Collin's all the way through story time. I looked at Emmett a couple of time during the story, his face showed excitement as he heard how we came to be and how we fought against the cold ones.

By the end of the third wife tale everyone was ready for food, I pecked Emmett cheek and rushed over to the food table and pile a load of food onto one plate.Emmett eyes widen at the sight of my plate "You really going to eat all that?"

I nod my head and dug into my cornbeef pie "Us wolves burn engry quickly" Emmett hums and watches me scoff my face with my food, I didn't really care that he was watching me. I was starving, I only had Five slices of toast for breakfast and three pizza's today, that wasn't enough for a spirit wolf.

Once finished, the elders bid goodnight leaving the pack and imprints to mess around. Before long the night was coming to a close. The wolves with imprint already left apart from me, Emmett, Sam and Emily. I let out a yawn and snuggled into Emmett "I think it's time toget you home" Emmett whispers in my ear, I let out a hum in agreement. I felt him pick me up in his arms, making me snuggle further into him "I'll take Taylor home and then wait for you to get back before heading of myself" I hear him say.

"Stay the night I don't mind" Paul tells him, however I could feel his glare on my imprint "She's too tired to even think about doing anything with you so I know it's safe" The pack snickered at his comment, making me growl.

"Shut up" I mumbled out.

"Goodnight Taylor" I could tell Paul was smirking, the idiot he is "I'll look after Collin for you and will make sure he is home soon"

I let out a breath "Thank you" That was the last thing I said before sleep took over.

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