~ Chapter 34 ~

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I parked up outsite mine and Paul house, turning the engine off, I felt my imprint climb off the bike. I took a deep breath and followed him "I'll take his bike back later" I say taking the helmet off and placing it on the bike handle.

"No worries sis" My head snaps up at the sound of Paul's voice. I had no clue he was still here "I'm heading to Sam's and will drop it off" He looks between me and Emmett with a sly smile upon his face.

"Thanks man" Emmett butted in breaking the silence, Emmett sent me a look.

I sigh and look to my brother "Thank you Paul"

Paul eyes widen before he bursts out laughing. Emmett looks at him in confusion, I just rolled my eyes at him and let out a small growl in a warning to shut up "Dude" Paul calms down, he pats Emmett on the back "Your going to be good for her" He walks over me and takes the keys before climbing on the bike "Have fun" He says and leans over placing a kiss on my forehead "But not too much fun" My face burns red as Paul's winks and drives down the road.

I let out a breath and cleared my throat "Well" I muttered "That was something" I shook my head and walked over to Emmett, eading him to the house "Would you like to come in?" I shyly asked.

"Sure babe" He beamed at me, a smile played on my lips as I dragged him through the front door and into the livingroom.

"Have a seat" I tell him as I pulled of my shoes and jacket. I joined Emmett on the sofa, we were so close but I felt like he was far away as we both sat in silence. . . . This really wasn't how I expected things to go; I mean we were out in the open and aloud to see each other.

So why weren't we acting like it? My eyes widen at the thought of Emmett wanting to leave now that our secret was out, maybe he enjoyed the sneaking around from my pack. I know I did but I really wanted to tell them and I did, maybe he's just nervous being on wolf and instead of his own land.

"Taylor baby, are you okay?" He asks, knocking me out of thought. I look over at him, his beautiful golden eyes filled with concern. . . . It was concern for me.

I just nodded my head at him and tried to put on a smile but he saw right though it. Emmett moves closer to me, his hand touch my cheek sending shivers own my spine "Please don't lie" I let out a shuttered breath and look down "Please talk to me" He begged me.

I look up at him, the way he begged me broke my heart. I was upsetting my imprint "I just - I mean" I struggled to fine the words I wanted to say to him "I expected it to be different" I blurted out.

"What do you mean?" Emmett looks at me his face hld confusion "What to be different?"

"This" I says pointing between the two of us "I mean we have been alone before and had fun" I let out a breath "We are alone again but this time is different"

"Is this because everyone knows now?" He asks, his eyes searched mine. I nod my head giving him his answer. Emmett sighs and ran his hands over his face "Please don't tell me you think I don't want to be with you now that our secret is out?" I sniffed a little and look down. "Oh baby" Emmett places his arm around me and pulls me on his lap "I love you" I stare up at him in shock "And nothing will every change the way I feel about you"

"I know" I whispered, my hands laced with his "I'm sorry" I let out a snort after I said those words, I look up at him "What are you doing to me?" I muttered as I stared into his eyes "I'm becoming less Lahote"

"Is that meant to mean something?"

Letting out a giggle, I slowly nod my head "Me and Paul are the hot heads off the pack" I tell him, I shuttered as Emmett began rubbing my leg "We never do as we are told unless it's an order from Sam, we always cause the fights in the pack" I lean closer to him, my lips hovered over his "And we certainly never say thank you or sorry"

"Really?" His eyes brow raised.


"I must be special then" He commented.

I let out a laugh "Special indeed" I answered then placed my lips upon his. I was so glad that knowing had changed between us; who would had thought that the badass Taylor Lahote was insecure but then again I wasn't half of the things I am now and it is all thanks to Emmett Cullen.

With him I fell like I'm a better person. . . . A better wolf

An Unlikey Imprint (Emmett Cullen LS)Where stories live. Discover now