~ Chapter 32 ~

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I quickly dressed and rush from behind the bush and straight for Emmett, his arms open waiting for me to jump into them. I heard a collected off growls from behind me but ignored them, I buried my head into his neck and took a deep breath. My body relaxed against him at the smell scent "Are you okay?" I ask, pulling away from him, my eyes ran over his face stopping a moment to look in his golden eyes.

"I'm fine Taylor" He answers, he rubs my cheek with his cheek "The question is are you okay?" I could see the worry in his eyes, I had felt it through out the fight with Embry.

"Better now I'm in your arms" I roll my eyes at the sound of groaning behind me, I knew I would be tease for this later. I was a whole new person in front of Emmett. I leaned forward for a kiss, before I could claim his lips someone cleared their throats. I jump back a blush made it's way on my cheeks, I look to the ground embarrassed "Oh, is little Taylor Lahote blushing?" Paul teased, I let out a growl.

"Shut up Paul" I whined, I look up at Emmett; he was smiling warmly at me "Emmett, this is my twin brother Paul" I sigh and look to Paul "Paul this is Emmett my imprint" They both stared at on another "Please don't fight" I squeaked out.

Paul and Emmett both look to me and began laughing, I tilt my head to a side in confusion. What was so funny? Was it what I said.

"Paul" Sam calls, gaining his attention. Paul looks to our Alpha who was pointing at me "She was been serious"

"Oh" Paul muttered "I couldn't do anything to him without hurting you sis"

"And I couldn't do anything to him with hurting you as well baby" Emmett added on. I let out a sigh of relief, this was going better then I thought.

"Are we done here then?" I asked them both.

"No" They both said together.

"Bu-t" I stuttered out, this was a little weird having them finally meet "What about the red head?"

"The rest of you get on it" Sam ordered the remaining pack members "Howl if you need us"

"I think you guys should continue as well" Emmett says to his family. Carlisle looks at Emmett then the wolves next to me; there was Paul, Sam and Seth "I'll be fine with Taylor"

Carlisle nods and walks away, he pauses in front of Jason "Stay with your brother and follow the wolves if they are called"

Jason nods "Yes father" He says and walks closer to the treaty line "Lets get this over with Emmett" He groans, holding his nose.

"You don't smell much better either" Paul snapped back.

"Paul" I warned him.

"This is your brother then?" Jason asks, he looks between the two of us "Yes, I can see the resemblance"

"Shut up Jay" Emmett groans and shot his brother a look "Now I know you have a few words to say to me Paul"

Everyone looks between my brother and imprint. Paul clears his throat "I am still a bit shocked to find out your my sister's imprint"

"Tell me about" I mumbled, earning a look from them both "What?" I asked, both shook their heads and looked back at one another.

"It's going to take me a while to get use to it" He let out a breath "I understand you will be allowed on our land and that would mean our house" He took a step forward making me tense "If your in our home alone together I want you to treat her with respect. If she doesn't want to do anything you will not pressure her into it"

My eyes widen at the though of being alone in the house with Emmett, I wasn't even ready for sex with my imprint. I have just gotten over the fact that he was a vampire "Ca-n we no-t talk abo-ut that" I stuttered out, Sam shot me a smile, I didn't even get a response from Paul. . . What is it ignore your sister day.

"I promise to treat her with respect" Emmett promise "Not only am I her imprint but she is my mate it is never enough the same as an imprint"

"I understand, just don't make her do something she doesn't want" Paul sternly says.

"A wolf would do anything to make his or hers imprint happy" Sam butted in "I think that's why he's saying it"

"Paul doesn't want you to ask me to take it further without my opinion as I would agree to keep you happy" I tell him "Like it's going to happen anytime soon" I shot Paul a glare "I've just gotten over the fact that he was a vampire and now he's just been introduced to you" I snap at him "I think that is enough to sort through first" I turn to look at Emmett "Beside we have all the time in the world" I sigh dreamily up at Emmett.

"Oh, great" Paul groans, while Sam and Seth laugh at me "Please can you not do those lovey dovey eyes around me"

"Hm, what?" I jokingly say, before looking away from my imprint "I am glad your taking this so well" A smile played on lips "Better then others anyway"

"Embry's an arse" Seth blurted out, I giggle at him. The poor boy had been hanging out with the pack too much.

"Tell me about it" Emmett says, he pushes a piece of my hair behind my ear "If he loves you as much as he says he does, he would be happy for you"

"Emmett's right" I look at my brother in surprise. The Paul Lahote just agree with a vampire "Don't look at me like that" He groans "I have to get use to him, after all, he will be my brother in law one day" Paul looks between the two "I don't have a problem with him as long as he makes you happy and keeps you safe"

Tears formed in my eyes "Thank you Paul" I flung myself at him and wrapped my arms around his neck "I love you bro"

"I love you too sis" I pull away from him and move back to Emmett's side, Paul held his hand out for Emmett; which he gladly took "Welcome to the family"

"Happy to be apart of it" I was so glad my secret was finally out in the open, I could now focus all my attention on keeping my imprint happy and safe and Victoria. Also Isabella Swan now has nothing to use against me anymore.

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