Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Nina's POV
             Finally, coming home from work, I decided to go to a drive thru and get something to eat since more than likely the kids already ate. The lights were off so I assumed they were asleep. I opened the door quietly and walk in. I hear the TV is still on. I close the door and walk into the living room.

            "That's just precious." I say quietly. I walk over to see Hayden and Aubrey cuddled against each other, Hayden's arm was wrapped tightly against her waist, their legs were intertwined, Aubrey's hands against his chest, and their foreheads were pressed together. How can people say that Hayden is such a bad guy? He's protective of Aubrey and even Aiden. He's a really great guy; he was just steered into the wrong direction. He obviously likes Aubrey more than he puts off, I need to talk to him. I grab the blanket that was now on the floor and covered them both, Hayden pulled Aubrey closer and she cuddled closer into his chest.

            I smile and walk over to Aiden, he's holding a picture, I kneel down and take the picture from his hand. It's a picture of a young Krystina, and what I'm assuming her mom and dad. I look and see a little boy; he's the cutest thing ever. That must be her little brother; he has her cheek bones and dimples. Her mother and father didn't have dimples in the picture. I put the picture back in Aiden's hand and he rolls over holding the picture close to his heart.

            He likes her much more than he realizes. They may not have felt a connection before the incident with Aubrey but they always had it. I just hope Krystina wakes up soon so they can strengthen that connection. I stand up and Hayden shoots up.

            "Hey Mrs. Masters. How was work?" I laughed at his reaction.

            "Work was good Hayden, thank you for asking. Do you mind talking for a bit?" He nods and rolls away from Aubrey, she turns around and cuddles with a pillow. Hayden and I walk into the dining room and sit down.

            "Hayden, how do you feel about Aubrey?" He looks up at me then down at the table, as he's about to speak I interrupt him. "And please don't lie to me." He looks up and smiles at me.

            "In all honesty Mrs. Masters." He ruffles his hair and clears his throat, "I really didn't think much of her before the incident with Krystina. Before I just considered her like a sister but since then it was like the whole..." He stopped talking and rubbed the back of his neck.

            "Like the whole thing with Ashton." He nodded and cleared his throat again. "Hayden I love you like a son. And I do love how well you treat her. Especially that day Ashton left us. Aiden isolated himself from everyone, even Aubrey. You came over everyday and comforted her. I can't thank you enough for that hunny." I grab his hand from across the table. He smiles up at me.

            "Thank you Mrs. Masters." I pat his hand and sigh.

            "I want to know though. I know you have a bad reputation with girls. And I love you like a son but I would never allow you to be with my daughter if you don't change." He tilts his head slightly to the side.

            "Are you giving me permission to be with Aubrey?" I laugh and nod.

            "Yes, but! Only after I know for a fact you're a changed person. I don't want my little girl getting hurt. I love you both too much to choose sides between either of you. Not to mention you're Aiden's best friend. It's going to be a tough relationship, especially since she has issues with the cutting and such. I just want to be sure you can handle it and will help her through it, not just leave her for another." He stands up and hugs me.

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