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Standing on a tall latter I put stuff on the Christmas tree. A human thing I know, but at home we've always done this sort of thing.

Austin walks into the new living room, of our new big house. He looks up at me from his news paper and smiles at me. This is the first time in a week I've been in the house. The week before I was back home, locked up and having the doctors poke and prod me, checking me over. They found nothing of use, other then I was going to go in heat soon. Yay.

Austin tosses the paper to the side. His suite jacket yet not over his button down shirt and vest, that matches his navy blue pants. "Hello darling," he grabs on to the other side of the latter and his weight almost sends us toppling down his side, but he balances us off and keeps coming up, till his face is right in front of me. "When did you get home?" He asks before kissing me.

"Few hours ago, I just crashed out on the sofa, I didn't want to wake you." I tell him. "By the way, I don't think this latter can hold us." I tell him.

He turns his head to the side, looking my face over. "Why do you say that?"

Pointing down on the meddle his shoes stand on, the meddle has slightly bent. "You might be braking the latter."

He rolls his eyes, before jumping down, then holds out his arms for me. Jumping down, I land down in his arms. He smiles and kisses me hard, then slips his tong in my mouth.

But as we start to slip into that bliss feeling. Someone clears their throat, making us pull away from one another. Austin growls at a new werewolf, that just came into his wolf skin. He's so new, that I can see his wolf in his eyes taking everything in and then zone in on me, with a hunger that makes me raze my hackles. This pup wasn't a threat, but his attention was not needed looking at me as he was.

He could see I was his Luna, thanks to Austin mark. But it only got me looks from everyone. Admiration and scrutiny mostly.

"Alpha, they are waiting at the new building." He tells Austin, with a proud smile, no doubt glad he didn't fall over his own words.

Looking close at the boy, he has dark red hair that could be brown, his eyes different colors, one brown and one blue, he wears a baggy shirt and shorts. No shoes and no socks. It could be possible, that he's so new, that he can't control the shift yet, so that could be the reason for the clothes and no shoes.

"Tell them that the meeting will be another time."

The boy bows his head. "Yes Alpha. When should I say you'll see the bored?"

"Tomorrow," is all he says and then adds. "You can leave now Philip."

Philip bows one more time, then leaves.

Soon as we hear the front door Austin puts me down on my feet. "I'm going to go change, stay here till I get back." Then he's gone.

Taking in a deep breath, I glance around the big living room that could easily fit over a hundred some people.

As I turn to a big window, I hear a scream and with out thinking about it, I open the window and jump down to the ground. Then I hear another scream, a woman telling someone to stop doing whatever they are doing. My hearing been failing me since I left to go home for some reason.

Quickly I follow the sounds of the screaming and it maybe takes me two minutes to see what's happening. Two men, beating a boy no more then ten and two other men holding the woman back, as the grin menacing at the boy who looks like he's about to pass out.

Anger and rage fills my body and soon I shift and attack the men. I take out the two that have the boy bleading, then turn my sights on the other two. They shake in fear, but they don't back down from holding the woman in place.

Snarling at them, I show my teeth and snap at them. Then someone pushes threw the bushes and Austin comes out, dressed in only shorts, showing off his strong body. "Leave! Now!" He orders out in his Alpha voice. "And don't come back!" He adds.

The two men drop the woman and runs for it. As they run away, I have the sudden urge to chace them and play with them, like they are chew toys.

Jerking my head to the side, I lose my balance and sway to one side, as if I was drunk. "Nova what's wrong?" Austin asks, reaching out his hand to me, but I jump back as if his skin will burn me.

The urge to run hits me again, but this time. I want to run away from him and everything.

He sees something in my eyes and lunges at me. Wraps his large arms around my neck and stars to cut off the air flow. I try to throw him and then I think better and slam his body into a tree. He gasps in pain, but holds tight.

Soon I start to see black spots in my vision and my lungs scream for air. My legs give out, sending me to the ground with Austin on top of me. He whispers soft words to me, as I start to black out. He says it'll be ok and that I was protecting the pack, I killed those guys for good reason.

Then whatever he said, I don't know, because I blacked out.


Groaning in pain from my throat hurting, I try to shift my body, but I can hardly move. I hear chains move above my head and feel cool big chains against my skin.

Opening my eyes, I'm chained to the bed. My arms above my head and ankles in a mess of chains, not really holding them in place, just there to keep pressure.

I hear someone shift their weight and turn my head to the sound. Sitting in the chair next to the bed is my dad. Not Austin, who is probably close. But if dad was here and not him, there a reason. "Nova, it's getting worse as easily you can tell. So it's time to learn a skill only a few know."

"What's that?" I ask him.

He stands up and drops a leather bound book on the bed next to me, as if I can grab it and look at it. "Control yourself and not half ass it! I love you Nova you know that, but it's time you understand that what you can do--what you are able to do, is something only a few can do. Read that, it was your mother's and it'll teach you skills that no one can teach you."

As he starts to turn away, I yell out. "Why didn't you show me this sooner?!"

He doesn't turn around as he says these words. "Because I hoped that I was wrong that you would be come this. You know it's a curse to half shift. But it's not about the shift its self, it's about the balance of the two minds, wolf and human. Without the balance of the two, Goddess knows what will happen." Then he leaves.


Book two here people! What did you think? Vote ,comment and share please!

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