The Stolen Face

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The woman or I should say, the woman, that looks like my mother, who was murdered in front of my eyes, many years ago, shakes her head. "No, I'm sorry child, but my sister is still very much dead. My name is, Shannon. Your mother twin."

I'm dumbfounded by this news. "How's that possible, she just had a brother."

Shannon smiles, but it just looks hollowed out. "Yes, well, my mother, could only save one of us, from our father crazed mind of thinking."

"So you can half shift then, two?"

She shakes her head. "That's all I can do. My wolf mind didn't form right when I was inside my mother, so all I can do is half shift."

"And your wolf?"

She shrugs her shoulders. "She doesn't talk to much."

Someone walks up behind her, and says something in a low voice, that I can't hear. The conversation last a few seconds and then the, person walks away. "I have to go, a nurse will be in to take care of your feet. Last I looked, they were healing. After that, I'll come back and we'll talk about your wolf." She then leaves, closing the steel door and locks it up.

After that, I'm by myself.


The nurse came in, after Shannon left by a few minutes. She checked my feet and told me they looked fine, but to still stay off of them for a day or two.

As she doing this, the back of my mind, there a feeling of a door being banged on hard, but I can't open it. I feel off and my wolf, has been fading in and out, like she awake for a few short seconds and then is gone again.

It's all very strange.

Pov: Austin

Being an Alpha, you have to learn control and passions. But all that has escaped me, I'm going out of my mind, so much, I called him.

Sitting before me, is one of a few men that knows my mate the best. Her ex, Caid. "So she ran away from you? Took longer then I thought. But as her dad said, she hasn't been home or contacted any of us."

It's true, when I first contacted Philip, he knew something was up, because I called him. When I asked if he had heard from her, he said no and some parent instinct, nagged at him, that there was something wrong. And that instinct was right.

"I know, and as bad as I hate to admit it. Your a few that know her habits. We ran after her to bring her home, a day ago, she went threw water, but she was still tracked able. I ran after her and then she was just gone. There strange smells, that my trackers are tracking right now. But I need someone that knows her well. I would have her brother here, instead of you, but-"

"He's busy, yeah I know the drill." He waves his hand at me. "Nova always been one, to find trouble, when not even looking for it." He stands up then, like our meeting is over. Which its not. "I'll make a few calls, to a few of my connections. With her trail going cold, isn't a good thing of course. I'll let you know, when find something." He then leaves without another word.

Gripping the pen in my hand, it snaps like a twig.

Pov: Nova

Shannon comes back a good amount of time, after the nurses leaves. Leaving me time to admire my clay like room. There dirt all around me, the meddle door, bed and toilet are the only things different. With all of what I've seen of this room, its clear, that we are underground.

And why not? Humans and Werewolves, fear the different.

Shannon walks in, as I'm about to drift off, carrying in a plate of food. "Here you need to eat." She tells me, handing the food to me, after sitting up.

"Where are we? Besides underground?" I ask her, wasting no time with niceness. It doesn't feel right here for some reason.

"Half-shifters aren't welcomed, so we have to hide or they will kill us. You should know that, even though you can also full shift."

"I understand that. But where are we?" I ask before bitting into the sandwich she gave me.

"In a clearing area, that hasn't been claimed by any packs." She tells me.

Chewing my food, I try and remember where the lands that haven't been claimed. There four lands that know of, one is over two hours away to the east, another an hour to the west, one five hours to the north and ten to the south. Can't see them carrying me to far in distance, let alone in a car. But I could be wrong, I don't know these people.

After eating my food, I hand back the plate. "Your father dead by the way. I don't know if you care or not, but its safer out there, then it was before."

She shakes her head. "It doesn't matter, we are still monsters in their eyes. My sister half shift, form would tell you that."

"I never seen it as a kid, she died when I was young. Your dad did something with her body and we've never found it."

She freezes for a split second and looking at her face as it is, brakes me a little bit. But I know she not my mom, she was dead. But looking at her, as she is, she makes me think, of her stealing the face of my mom. Giving her life, even though she is dead. "I need to talk to a few people. Tomorrow we will talk more about yout half shift and how you might be able to control it." She then leaves, giving me no time to ask her, what she ment.

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