Weaving a Broken Heart

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I destroyed, what I promised I would protect. The lie that we've all been living for so long, blew up in our faces, and now Maria won't for give any of us. She won't even come out of her room.

Sitting in my old room, its night time a few days after the fight with the half shifters. Tonight we will put those we lost, at rest. That includes Natty. She didn't make it and it brakes my heart. We had her back, only to be taken away again.

Austin walks into my old room. "It's time. Are you sure you want to go?"

Getting up off my bed, I walk to him. "Yes." I whisper. My throat hurts, because of all the crying and I haven't talked to anyone, but the couple times to Maria. But that only got a door slammed in my face.

Austin puts an arm around my waist and leads the way.

Pov: Cody

"Cody, I want you to keep an eye on Maria. She doesn't want Nova close to her and I understand she hurt from our lie. But I wouldn't put it past her, if she tried to run away." Dad gave me a knowing look. "You know how your sister was."

I shake my head and that all happened a few days ago.

I stand outside Maria door and I can hear her faintly move around. Knocking on the door, before I open the door, there is Maria putting clothes in a bag. She stops for a few seconds and then keeps packing. "Going some where?" I ask her, stepping into the room.

"This place isn't my home. Its a house of lies." She tells me.

"It is to your home Maria and you know it. Yes we've lied to you, but there is a reason."

She glares at me. "And what reason would any of you to lie to me!?" She screams out, her eyes watering.

She is a child and is shattered like broken glass, just because of that damn lie. Taking out a deep breath, I focus in on my niece. "We promised your mom to keep you safe, before she died. Since her and Nova looked so alike, she asked Nova to be your mother." I explain.

"I don't need her-"

I hold up my hand to make her stop talking. "Maria, you might not believe it, but threw the years, Nova has become your mom. She held you when you've been sick or crying. She put everything on hold until now, because she knew you needed a mom and still do. But she had to get out a little bit and as she did, she found her mate." I walk up to her and put my hand bon her head, when she looks up at me. "Maria, please understand that Nova loves you like a mother would and we love you to. So don't close her out."

With that, I walk out of her room and close the door behind me.

Pov: Nova

I couldn't do it. When they were putting Natty to rest, I ran and ran all the way to a stone slab. Threw the years, we've added names of those we've lost. Or at least those, that had a great impact.

"I'm sorry sister, I broke the promise. I wasn't able to keep the truth from her. Honestly, I was hoping the lie would last longer then this." Looking down at my hands, I look at the small cut on the side of my hand by silver that cut the flesh when I was young. "With one blow, her heart and world have been shattered and I don't know how to fix this." I whisper, as tears start to fall from my eyes.

The wind blows threw and then, she standing in front of me. Looking up, my mom kneels down to my level and acts like she wants to take the tears away, but she stops herself, like she just no realizing that she can't really touch me. "I'm sorry this has happened Nova. But your sister proud of you, for taking care of Maria as you have." She tells me.

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