Mommy Dearest

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Pov: Cody

I see Nova, but I'm to out of it to do anything. The words that are said, I don't make to much sense and when I close my eyes for a minute or two, for the most, Nova gone.

" she?" I whisper.

The guard to my left, punches me in the face for no reason and then I really start to fade out. "Never you mind, about that girl. Worry about your own skin."

Fading out, my mind slips into my childhood.


I sit at the dinner table with my family. Natty in her high chair, smiling as she shoves food in her face. She was only four and small for her age. She was healthy other wise, but when we were attacked, she was hurt bad and it was like her mind turned inside out on it's self.

Nova sits at my side, refusing to eat her greens, like always. Mom tries to get her to eat them, by making the spoon fly around, like she younger then nine years old. "Come on baby, just eat one." Mom tells her softly.

Nova shakes her head.

Dad rolls his eyes. "Leave her be darling, if she wants to stay as tall as she is now, its her business." Dad says, being the mind twister as always. All dad ever had to do, when we were kids, was make us think the worst of something and we would do what he wanted in the end.

Nova grabs the spoon from mom. "Fine, I'll eat them." She grumbles and eats them.

Mom smiles proudly at her and gives dad a wink. Their love, was so over flowing for one another, it was sickening and it can clearly be seen, with as many siblings we had at one time.

Years jump ahead and we are at the party that destroyed our family. Nick, my younger brother by a year stands at my side. We watch, the mingling of our people. Dad was training us to be the protectors of our pack, so we weren't really allowed to join.

Mom walks up to us with two big plates of food. "I don't think your father, meant you two, to stand there like status. Eat something and relax a little boys, we are protected." We take the food from her, before she kisses our heads and walks away.

"Do you think, we will be like mom and dad, when we find our mates?" Nick asks, as he chews on the ham.

"If we do end up sick happy with our mates, lets try and not bread our mates, like bunnies." Nick laughs as we start to eat in silence.

The old father clock a cross the room, sounds behind us. Dad will be home soon or supposed to be. He and twenty some of our members went to patrol the farthest border, because we have been having problems with other packs, trying to kill us off.

At the last dong, the windows shadder and the blood starts to fly. I no longer hear music, laughing or talking. All I can hear, is screams, bone crushing bone, clothes ripping of people shifting and the blood rushing threw me.

My shift comes fast, but as I shift a white Werewolf kills Nick. I howl in pain, for my baby brother. The white Werewolf bigger then me, but I have anger on my side and kill the Werewolf with a snap to his neck.

When he's dead, I go to Nick, nudge his head and whimper at him, to wake up. I know he's dead, but still, it doesn't hurt any less.

Nova screams and when I look up, she has a silver platter in her hands and hits a gray Werewolf over the head, so it would let go of Natty. When it drops her, it turns and Nova.

I lunge to help her, but then she shifts. Not fully shifts, but half shifts for the first time. This shift isn't natural, that's plain to see. Our ears aren't meant to be on top of our heads, tail coming out from our back sides like this. Nova is in human form, but is half shifted into a Werewolf.

With in a split second, Nova jumps at the Werewolf and scratches it a cross the face.

I lunge at the Werewolf as it tries to bite Nova. My head makes contact with its neck, throwing Nova a few feet away, so she doesn't get hurt.

I break the Werewolf neck and turn my head to Nova, she screams in pain, when she becomes human fully.

A man and a woman I've never seen before double team me in human form. They take me down easily, making me fight hard and as I do, I see movement from the corner of my eye and see Nova with her back to an enemy. It's larger then the rest of them, a scratch on its nose, never to truly heal.

"You aren't taking anymore of my babies from me!" Mom screams out and attacks the Werewolf, taking it down and punches it hard. So hard, part of its skull shattered. But it'll heal.

I kill the woman and as I go after the man. Nova scream, makes me cold to the bone. Turning my head, I see the one thing, I never thought I would see. My mom, dead in her own blood, next to Nova.

"Mom, wake up. Please wake up." She whimpers out.

Five seconds later, dad and the others are back and the pack, that took so many of us, is ether killed or run off. Well..not all of them run off. The man, that killed my mother, stands before us. Scars a cross his face, but they don't heal. "Your bloodline will burn in hell!" Then he's gone.

Hours pass and then we start to burn the coffins, with our fallen comrades in them. I watch this, and can't take much more of it. When I go back inside and to go see my mother one last time. Her body is gone and so is her coffin.

In its place, is a small note.

What I've done with her body, is punishment for you all! She'll never rot! She'll never fall apart as time goes on!

She will be, as she was and none of you will ever see her again!

I rush outside and show dad the note. He snarls in anger. "Never tell Nova about this." Is all he says.

My mind moves threw all my memories, up till a few days ago. I got a letter, saying someone knew, where my mother body was and I was going to bring her home. But it was a trap and now they have Nova.

Pov: Austin

I jolt awake, heart pounding, fear and anger coursing threw my body. These feelings aren't my own. They are Nova's. Nova, where are you? Why are you feeling so many things at once?

I pull on some pants, as I alert my guards, as I see images of what she sees. Have to save Cody. Have to save him. Is all she says and then she cuts me out.

I howl in anger, for not knowing where she really is and of how much I miss her.

Something out of the corner of my eye, makes me stop and turn around fast, snarling at the intruder. But I can see right threw this woman, that I now face. "Save my babies." Is all she says and then she gone.

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