Lost Little Pup

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My skin was itchy and every time I itched it, it just got worse. I need to shift and every time I've tried, it doesn't happen. Yeah, my bones brake and reform, but only for a few seconds and then they would go back to human bones.

Frowning at my arm, and try to shift again. But before a bone can crack, the door opens, with a young man, no older then me. "I'm Kal, I'm here to take you outside. I take it, you haven't been able to shift, to either form?" Shaking my head, he groans. "This won't be to much fun then."

With a swift movement, he pulls out a cloth and lunges at me. Dodging, I get around him. "You'll have to try harder then that. Daddy, didn't raise no pup, to give up."


"Keep your guard up. Don't use your Werewolf strength. Fight like humans, there might be a time, you won't be able to shift. You need to be strong in both forms." Dad tells us.

There was six of us back then. Mom was going to have another baby, in a few days. But dad didn't let us celebrate. Be ready to fight. Be ready, to protect those you love. Be ready, for the punches, the world will throw.

That, was the rules. Be ready, for what is to come and be ready to die, fighting.


Kal rights himself and glares at me. "I shouldn't expect anything less, from a bitch rogue." He snarls.

Smiling at him, I feel that itch that I can't reach. The itch to shift. The itch, to protect myself and those I love. The itch, to let loss and rip this man to shreds!

The man lunges at me again and yet again, I get away from him and run out the door and slam the door shut and lock it. Can't lose control. Have to stay focused. Kill only, if its only choice. I tell myself.

The door shakes against my back. "Let me out of here!" Kal yells.

"What's that sound?" A male voice asks.

"It's coming from the jail." A female voice says, followed by boots coming down stares

Looking for a hiding place, I see another flight of states made into clay and quickly go up them, two at a time.

When I'm a good few feet, I slow down to conserve my energy. Must...get outside...my wolf, who I haven't heard, in forever pants.

Where the hell you been? I ask, as I keep an eye out for anyone that might come my way.

This place...has weekend us. We have to get outside...out in the moonlight.

My skin starts to itch, just as I start to hear Shannon voice close by, making me hug close to a wall. "Find her! That girl, is the only chance we have, to end the half shifts and kill everyone, that has ever caused us pain!" She screams out.

Slipping into the shadows, five or so, Werewolves run past me in their human forms.

Shannon stays in the room for a few more seconds and then leaves. There so much dirt and the smell of dead things down here, I doubt they can smell me.

Once she gone, I go forward and go up another flight of earthly stairs.


Turn after turn, dodging guards a handful of time's, I'm finally above ground. Smelling in the fresh air, I feel free.

"So, you did find your way out? Smarter then I thought." Shannon says behind me.

Turning around, I growl at her. "Trust me lady, I'm smarter then I look."

She shakes her head. "You got your mother mind and half shift ability and that ability, is what will fix our problem."

"By killing me? You think, killing me, will fix your problems? You do realize, who my dad is? Who my brother is? Who my mate is? Over five hundred  wolves, will come after your small half bread pack. Plus don't forget, who my dad is, has taught me how to kill. I have, more then enough blood on my hands, so I can take you and not feel bad about."

She laughs at me. "Oh please girl, we know things, those packs don't know." She whistles. "And for your brother."

Walking up, from the mouth of the underground hide out. Two men hold Cody, as they drag him, with a third, an iron rope around his neck. Cody looks drugged and out of it. "How did you-"

Shannon laughs. "Oh please, he was an easy catch. All we really had to do, is send some information that he needed to know and here he is." She then looks at me. "Now, pup it's time to play a game. I am, nothing but a woman of giving chances. You run until you get pasted the two trees twisted around one another like lovers, and you and your brother go free. But if we get you, before you get there, then you give up your life, with no fuss." She moves in a flash, standing right in front of me. Het hot breath fans my face. "Don't get lost little pup, or who knows what will find you."

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