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[ october 20th, 1976 ]

Instead of heading off to visit Remus in the hospital wing the morning after a full moon, Octavia decided to go to the Great Hall and eat her breakfast. She took her time and ate alone. She knew that the boys would come talk to her today, and she was deciding on what to say.

She considered yelling at them all; not only would it get her point across, but it would be a great way to vent her frustrations. In the end, though, the young witch decided on forgiving them. What they did was wrong and disgusting, but the fact was: wrong or right, they did it to protect Octavia. They did it because they weren't willing to let her be pushed around by anyone, not even one of her own friends.

If those weren't people Octavia wanted to be around, she didn't know who were. She sighed to herself as she saw the three boys walk in. Octavia picked up the remaining piece of bread from her plate and played with it whilst the boys took their seats next to her. They were stiff and didn't know what to say to the girl, but they all felt equally relieved when she turned and gave them a lazy smile, before turning back to her food.

The boys glared at each other, silently trying to decide who was to speak up first and apologies to the girl. Eventually, James caved in and put his food down. He turned his body towards the waiting girl and spoke up. "Look, Tave we-"

"It's fine, I forgive you."

The boys were beyond happy, and Sirius let out air he didn't know he was holding onto. Before too long, they went back to their normal, goofy conversations. It felt great, and Octavia couldn't believe how much she missed them, even if it was for less than a day. The girl couldn't take her eyes off James most of the time, and she scolded herself for being so whipped for the boy. Octavia almost jumped from her spot and she got up to walk to Remus when she saw him enter the Great Hall. He hugged her gratefully, and Octavia guessed that the boys had already told him about what happened last night.

► ▷

"Now, as I am very pleased with how you have all worked today I would like you to all be seated in the exact same spot every class." Professor Slughorn announced happily.

The whole class groaned, yet Octavia couldn't be more content with her potions partner. And no, it wasn't James. Octavia looked over at Remus to see he was already smiling at her. Thank Merlin, she was so grateful to be partnered with someone as smart as him.

"Potions buddy, ay?" Remus said amused, "Prongs won't be too happy with this one."

The young girl felt her heart flutter at that, but brushed it off easily. 'James doesn't think of me like that, he could have anyone he wanted!' She thought to herself, as if she were telling herself off. A few minutes later, James turned around from the spot in front of them and gave Remus a long, harsh glare.

Anyone could tell he wasn't particularly happy with his mate at the moment. It was unfair! Remus and Octavia were close enough already, James didn't want to risk them becoming any closer. Sirius barked out a laugh at James' scowl and got his friend to face the front. Without James noticing, Sirius looked back and gave Remus a suggestive wink.

Remus cleared his throat and turned to Octavia, "Have you ever thought about telling James how you feel?"

Octavia buried her face in her hands for a moment, "No, Remus. That's dumb." She mumbled out the lie. It was abnormal for her to lie to Remus. She trusted him with her heart and soul but she didn't want him accidentally spilling anything to the other Marauders.

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