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[ January 1st, 1977 ]

It was school holidays and Octavia, Sirius and James were lounging around at the Potter's house, waiting for Remus and Peter to arrive. It was only a short break, and it was nearing the end. Nevertheless, the five friends had big plans to end the holidays.

When the friend finally arrived, there was no big greeting. They had each seen each other so many times during the holidays it felt as if they had never really parted. Lily and James had also been seeing each other quite a bit. This sparked Octavia's curiosity, but she decided not to mention it to him.

"Who's up for a quick game of qudditch?"

"It's on."

Mrs Potter was generous enough to take time off of her housework to quickly enchant her backyard. She cast a spell, disabling anyone from outside of the property from seeing the five teenagers riding flying broomsticks and throwing massive, burgundy balls around their backyard.

"Are you sure it's fair playing with an odd amount of players on a team?" Mrs Potter asked as she finished off her charm.

"Yes mum," James let out a dramatic sigh. "We do this every time. Sirius and I on one team, Remus, Peter and Tavia on the other."

"Isn't that a little bit unfair, darling? They haven't been on the team for the past few years like you have."

"Duh, that's why theres more on their team."

Mrs Potter looked back and forth between the two teams before shrugging and walking away. They all mounted their brooms, preparing themselves for the mini match ahead. Sirius noticed James zone out and before long, started flying circles around the wizard.

"Wake up, Potter! I don't want to be losing to those three idiots."

James grumbled something under his breath before picking up the quaffle and throwing it into the air. Each of the teenagers zoomed forward, rushing to get ahold of the ball. In their mini-game, there was neither bludgers, snitches nor posts.

Remus got a hold of the quaffle and zoomed past Sirius, heading towards where they pretended the posts would be. He threw the ball into the air, visualising it going through the middle post. The quaffle hit the invisible barricade and bounced off, falling back to the ground.

"Goal!" Octavia screamed, flying in circles.

"No way! That was so off-centre." James defended. "That wasn't even close to making it."

"Shut up James," Mr Potter's voice yelled from inside the house. "That was a goal and you know it."

Octavia flew past him, her tongue teasingly sticking out of her mouth. He smiled to himself, enjoying the sight of her flying around freely. They continued the game for about an hour or two before calling it quits. Sirius and James ended up winning by a long shot, but they couldn't deny that the other three got some good goals.

"Time check?" Octavia called out, making sure their daily schedule was on track. Peter flew into the Potter house at an unsafe speed, tracking down the nearest clock.


They all gave each other knowing looks. The five teenagers got off their brooms and placed them (as well as the balls) away neatly in Mr. Potter's shed. They walked calmly back into the house. Mr and Mrs Potter were sitting on the couch together, talking quietly. A giggle slipped past the woman lips once in a while as floating kitchen utensils flew around the room next to them, preparing a lovely dinner.

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