t w e n t y - t h r e e ;

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[ January 16th, 1977 ]

Octavia woke up with a killer headache. She lifted her heavy body out of bed and looked around her to notice that she wasn't in a bed. In fact, she was laying on the cold, hard floor of the common room. Remus was over in the corner, his hands wrapped around a warm mug of hot chocolate, smirking at her.

"Sleep well, Octavia?"

His smirk confused her, and she looked down to where she was sleeping. James was at her feet, still fast asleep. His arms were next to him, where Octavia was previously sleeping. Despite her throbbing head, she smile. The kiss last night was incredible. Short, but amazing.

"Shut up." She shoved him, taking the mug out of his hands and drinking from it.

One by one, everyone woke up - all complaining about their heads. Octavia went around them room, cleaning it up and sorting things to their original state.

She looked at her watched and her eyes widened instantly. "Sirius, Remus, hurry up! We've got transfiguration in two minutes!" Octavia screamed.

The three of them rushed around, grabbing the books they needed, getting changed and grabbing their wand. They ran out of the common room and to the classroom, where Professor McGonagall was waiting for them. "Late." She announced, but her face was soft, as if she were holding back a smile. She walked up to them, and said quietly so only the three of them could hear, "I suppose you celebrated your win well, yes?"

A smile broke onto her face and the three of them took their seats, smiling to each other.

► ▷

James and Octavia were sitting in the astronomy tower, looking at the view outside of Hogwarts. It was past curfew and James had so much on his mind, all revolving around what happened last night. He had so much to say yet no words to say it.

"You know that date we were supposed to have? In Hogsmeade?" He asked. Octavia remembered, it was the day he stood her up. Or, she thought he did. He was in detention and wasn't able to make it. She hummed, as if agreeing with him. "Well, I never got that date. Could I  make up for it tonight?"

Octavia felt her stomach turn and she looked at the boy. "Of course." She said. He got up quickly and grabbed her arm, helping her up too. He threw the cloak over the both of them and clasped his hands over her eyes. "Wait, right now?"

"Right now." He confirmed. They walked for ages, Octavia stumbling over everyone again due to her clumsiness. Eventually, Octavia noticed the sound her footsteps made. Instead of the thump against the castle floor, it's turned into a crunch. He's taken her outside, somewhere, but Octavia had no idea where.

"Can you just tell me where you're taking me?" She begged for about the fifth time of their trip.

"It wouldn't be a surprise if I told you, now, would it?" James said, and Octavia could practically hear the smirk in his voice.

"Technically, you never said it was a surprise." Octavia said back, being a smart ass. He chuckled at this, but said nothing else about the matter.

Shortly after, they stopped walking and James took the cloak over off the both of them. Octavia lifted her hands up and placed them over James' which were still covering her eyes. Together, they dropped their hands down and Octavia opened her eyes.

A small gasp left her mouth and she looked at her surroundings. They were in the Forbidden Forest, but it was a spot Octavia had never seen before. There were hundreds of blue butterflies flying around them. But these butterflies were fluorescent, and their glow lit up the forest around them.

Octavia spun around, it was single-handedly the most gorgeous thing she had ever seen. She walked over to a log, where around ten butterflies were resting on, flapping their wings. She squatted down and watched them, smiling. Without realising, she reached a hand out slowly and steadily, coming closer and closer to the creatures. A couple flew onto her outstretched hand, fluttering around. She giggled loudly, awestruck.

James watched her, silently appraising her beauty. He couldn't believe that someone could possibly be as perfect as her. She was beautiful, smart, kind... she was pure. She was everything James could possibly find attractive.

She stood up and stretched out her arms, more butterflies placing themselves on her. James, carefully, walked over to the girl and wrapped his arms around her. He buried his face in her neck, breathing in her scent.

He placed a soft kiss to her neck, sending shivers down her spine. Slowly, she lowered her arms - causing the butterflies to fly away - and placed them by her side. James' lips left her neck, and she turned around to come face to face with him. They started at each other for a while, her pink irises looking into his hazel ones.

"James.." She breathed out, studying him. "This is beautiful. Thank you."

He just smiled at her, words escaping him. He didn't know what to say, but there was one specific, overwhelming thing that he couldn't get out of his mind. He had known it for years and there was nothing to sway him to think otherwise. She was the one person in the world he knew like the back of his hand and he couldn't keep it to himself any longer. "I love you."

A look of surprised crossed Octavia's face, and her jaw dropped slightly

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A look of surprised crossed Octavia's face, and her jaw dropped slightly. Without hesitation, Octavia wrapped her small hands around the back of his neck and pulled his head downwards. When they were eye to eye, Octavia pressed her lips to his. This kiss was different, it was as if the past four years of them liking each other was finally being displayed all in one kiss - which, in a way, it was.

"You're beautiful," Octavia sighed, pulling away and resting her forehead against his. "And I love you." Octavia blushed at the goofy smile on James' gorgeous face.

"You have no idea how long I've waited for this." Octavia giggled and nodded.

"Does this mean..."

"Will you be my girlfriend?" James asked, finally confident in himself.

"Of course!" James leaned down and kissed her again. Her soft lips moulding with his in a way he's never had before with anyone else.

She was finally his.

► ▷

published [14/4/2017]

note [not edited, this is the last chapter of the story. I hope you all enjoyed reading it as much as I have enjoyed writing it xx]

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