Chapter 27: she's disgusting

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Mrs. Murphy let me in and told me that Caleb was in his room so I immediately went through the living room and down the hallway to the last room on the right. I didn't bother to knock, I walked in to see him laying on his bed playing ps4. He looked up when he heard me enter, nearly flying off his bed. "What are you doing here?"

I shrug, looking around his somewhat familiar bedroom, I walked to his dresser and looked at the group photos of us and the pictures of him with his younger brother. I smiled, and turned to him. "Did something happen at home? Are you okay?" Caleb spoke, coming over to me, wrapping his arms around me, not bothering to allow me to speak. "You can stay here. I'll share the bed." He mumbles, hugging me tighter.

I laughed, pushing him off me. "It's not that. Things are... okay... for right now. I actually came because I wanted to talk to you about-"

"Madison." He finishes for me, turning off his ps4 and sitting down on his bed. "I don't really want to hear it honestly. I made a decision."

"I respect that." I spoke, sitting down beside him. "I respect your decision, I just don't think it's a good choice. We're all friends you know?"

He glances at me, shaking his head, "But Madison wasn't just my friend. I was in love with her for months, and when I finally get her, and I finally think maybe this is gonna be a forever thing between me and her, she goes and cheats."

"She was upset, and that may be no excuse but Noah,  he's her first love. He must have said something that made her feel like he wanted her again.  She fell for his lies that night. When she told me everything, she was so sad Caleb, I've never seen Madison like that, she was crying, I swear she could barely breathe."

"Okay and?" He groaned.

"I'm just saying, she's sorry, and she really means it. Why can't you look past this and just accept her apology Caleb?" I sigh.

"Because she cheated on me!" He yelled at me. My eyes widened, and I moved off the bed to the other side of the room. I've never seen him so mad. "Why would I want to be with her again when there's a high chance she'll cheat on me again? It's funny though." He laughs. I remained silent, staring at him as he laughs. "I don't love her anymore. I honestly can't even bare to look at her anymore because she's disgusting."

"Caleb." I said. "You don't mean that." I mumbled, that's not something he'd say.

"I do mean it." He stated, staring directly at me. "I can't look at her, she's a filthy cheater and when things don't go her way or how she wants them to be she gets upset. She's not a Princess thing's don't always go her way. I hope she never comes near me ever again."

"It's too late for that because I'm already here." Madison's interrupted as she stepped into the room. "I didn't realize you thought that way of me but I can't blame you. What I did was wrong but all I'm asking is for your forgiveness. I just want you in my life Caleb even if we're not together, I just want you there."

"Get out of my house Madison." Caleb spat at her. Madison backed away for a moment but shook her head and charged at Caleb grabbing him by the shirt, holding him still. I stood off to the side by the window feeling uncomfortable. I didn't know if I should be in here now. "Let go of me." He said trying to push her off of him.

"Caleb, I love you, alright? Why can't you just understand and comprehend that? What I did was wrong but don't you think that if I didn't care I wouldn't have been so miserable and constantly trying to get you to accept my apology. To get you to get those negative thoughts about me out of your head."

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