Chapter 39: surprise

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               When people started showing up, I began to feel nervous. I didn't know how to introduce myself and how to greet them so I stood off to the side for the most part pretending to be busy by reorganizing things that were already in the correct places. I could hear Marshall and Denise laughing with people, and I knew me standing over here was going to make myself look rude. I let out a sigh, fixing my hair and walking over toward the door where guests were piling in.

          Marshall glances over at me when he notices my presence and smiles, wrapping an arm around my shoulder. "Sadie, Kelvin, this is Alexis, she's been staying with us for awhile."

  A tall brunette woman, turns her head to look at me and she drops her hand from her husband, grinning at me. "I knew Denise started fostering another kid, wasn't expecting you though. Hi hun, I'm Sadie Sanders, a really good friend of Denise."

   I shifted uneasily offering a smile back. "It's nice to meet you. You aswell." I said, glancing at her husband who was smiling at me.

    "How do you like staying here?" Sadie asked, grabbing my wrist and pulling me away from Marshall, I followed her into the living room and she sat me down beside her on the couch.

     "I like it." I replied, glancing back over at Denise who was welcoming in another family. Marshall dapped up some boy our age and they started laughing with eachother before walking off into the kitchen. "They both are really great people." I said looking back at her, talking about Denise and Marshall.

      "Yeah they are. Actually, Denise was a foster kid too. She got adopted when she was sixteen though. How old are you?"

     "Sixteen, but I turn seventeen in a few weeks." I answered her.

  "Well in that case, Happy Early Birthday!" She laughed, I said thank you and she continued to talk. "Well yeah, Denise got adopted which is no surprise she became a foster parent too. She works really hard."

"Yeah I know, she works so late, and when she comes home she's always so tired. I feel bad." I said, glancing back at Denise who was laughing.

  "Don't." Sadie waves her hand. "She's a judge in child court. She works mostly with the foster kids, and she does a lot with helping kids get adopted. The last two kids she had here, they both managed to get adopted, so I'm sure you will soon."

   My mind traced back to Joseph and Bianca who are in the middle of trying to adopt me. I began to tell Sadie about how I just found my biological father and he's in the middle of trying to take me home with him. I told her about how all of this with Denise is only temporary. I'll be gone in two weeks times.

   She listened to me talk, and somewhere along the way I began explaining my past. I talked about how my mother abandoned me with a drug addict, I talked about all the abuse I had to face, and I told her about how I found her and I figured out who my Dad is, my real Dad.... I spilled out my whole childhood to this lady, and I had no idea who she was.  But for some reason, she felt like someone I could trust. It was easy telling her, it was easy telling her that my real Dad only lived a street over from me all my life and I never even knew.

     It was easy telling her that I've seen a lot and have gone through a lot to realize what I actually want from this world. How badly I want to be a Ramirez, how badly I want to change my name from Alexis Deaken to my rightful name, the name I'm supposed to have. All along I was meant to be Alexis Ramirez.

   And even after I told her all these things, she told me this world isn't against me, and that I'll get what I so desperately want to grab ahold of. That my rightful family will come to get me, and that nothing from my past can keep jumping up and coming after me.

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