Chapter 49: left unsaid

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         I was fine by the time the party started, deciding it'd be best for me to ignore how things from earlier went with Gabe and Grayson. I wanted to enjoy the rest of my birthday and what's better than having music blasting from a speaker and everyone screaming and dancing around the house.

         Bianca, Joseph, and Daisy took off about an hour ago because Daisy couldn't sleep in the house so from what I know they're on their way to one of Bianca's friends house for the night. All I know is they gave us specific rules before they left.

        • No drinking
        • No smoking
        • Party ends by 1
        • No sex
         • We must clean up EVERYTHING

         And so far, two of those rules have been broken. I blame Luis though. He's the one who showed up with the alcohol and the weed. At first, I didn't want to let him in with it at all but I gave in shortly after. Now, I've never been a drinker so when I took my first sip of alcohol I hated it, but continued to drink more to have a fun night.

          Now I'm off my ass, drunker than a mother fucker, about to smoke some weed with Marshall who showed up about an hour ago, surprising me because he told me earlier today he couldn't make it. The second he walked in, I screamed, tackling him with a hug. He hugged me back, letting me enjoy his scent before putting me down on the floor.

        I giggled, taking the blunt from his hands, and taking it in. The first few times I did it, I messed up badly but after learning and watching others I caught on and now I'm having fun. It's really a great feeling. At first I said it was lousy and did nothing – until it hit me out of nowhere. "Alexis." I heard someone say, and then reach toward my hand. I pulled away from them and away from the doorway. "Alexis." They said again. I rolled my eyes, gripping onto Marshall's arm, pulling him behind me.

"Where we going?" He laughs, his arm wrapping around my shoulder as we headed upstairs toward my bedroom. I want to hang out with him but I can't seem to do that when other people are grabbing all on me. I opened up my bedroom door and pulled us inside slamming it shut, taking another sip of my drink. "Want another hit?" He murmered, pushing the blunt toward my face. I nodded, taking a few more hits and sitting down on my bedroom floor.

"You know this birthday has to be one of my best."
I laughed, handing him the blunt and watching him burn it out against my floor.

"Hopefully we'll remember it when tomorrow morning comes." He chuckled, taking my drink from my hand and finishing it for me. I sighed, nodding my head and dropping back onto my bed. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing. I'm just enjoying myself." I stated.

"Truthfully, I never expected your birthday party to be this big." Marshall responds, staring at me.

"Me either. It wasn't supposed to be originally, it was just me and my close friends but word got around quick and people started showing up and Joseph and Bianca didn't have the heart to throw them out on my birthday. They thought they were all my close friends, so they let em stay and well you see how it turned out."

"Yeah." He chuckled, a burp accidently coming out causing him to laugh even harder. I smiled, watching him laugh, his laugh was just as contagious as Grayson's. It was the kind of laugh that made you want to record it to hear it on days when you're sad. It felt like deja vu really.... I said the same thing about Grayson and here I am, seeing Marshall in the same way. Sitting up on my bed, I stared at him more, taking in his appearance.

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