Chapter 50: my lips

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Weeks after my birthday, Feburary came along and things seemed normal. Gabe started dating Rosemary much to my disappointment so I was trapped with seeing her in my own home all the time but I respected it for the sake of my brother's happiness. He seemed to like her, and I've noticed the way he is when she's around and I don't want to be the person to take that away from him.

I sat in the kitchen waiting for the Valentines Day cookies Daisy forced me to make for her. Bianca and her went to the grocery store and it was no surprise that she stocked up on junk food. Not to mention treats for Lexis who's growing quickly. When the oven dinged, I got up and opened it up to see pretty heart shaped cookies. "Dais! They're done!" I shouted, grabbing an oven mit and pulling them out.

She came in a few seconds later, bouncing up and down wanting to see them. She was disappointed when I told her she had to wait though. "Alexis!" I heard Lindsay yelling.

"In the kitchen!" I yell back, staring back at the cookies. I texted her earlier to come over and hang out.

"Those cookies are so cute." Linds gushes, as she stares at them.

"They're mine." Daisy interrupts, shoving Lindsay a bit making me laugh. Man, I love my sister. "If you want one.... maybe I'll give one, but there'll be a price."

"And what's the price?"

"Five dollars."

"Five dollars for just one cookie?" Lindsay narrows her eyes. I laughed. "That's a rip off I can buy a bunch of cookies for that."

"Yeah but these are gourmet."

"You bought them from Stop N Shop." Lindsay said, placing her hand on her hip. Daisy and her got into a fued so I started using the spatula and peeling the cookies off the tray, placing them onto a plate.

Our parents were working, and Gabe was out with Rosemary so it was just Daisy and I here so I invited Lindsay to come hang out with us.

I took the last cookie and ate it, watching Lindsay groan handing Daisy a five dollar bill. Daisy turns to me, "You can give her one."

"Okay ma'am." I responded, saluting her and grabbing a cookie, handing it to Linds. "Thanks for the business Miss Jackson."

"Yeah, yeah, this cookie better actually be gourmet. I don't get paid until next week." She sighed, biting into the cookie. My sister and I watched her eat it eagerly. "Yeah it's good. Definitely worth the five bucks. Let me get another one?"

"Are you gonna give me another five bucks?" Daisy snorted, placing her hand on her hip sassily.

"Buy one get one free special?" Lindsay suggests, a smile forming on her face. Daisy shakes her head, grabs the tray of cookies and walked out of the kitchen.

I was kind of sad about that because she took the cookies away from me too. But we had other munchies so I'll live. "You know she's getting crazy feisty the more times I come over." Lindsay explained, taking a seat.

"Yeah I know. I guess she just has to get comfortable with you first. Now I see why Gabe always told me she drove him crazy." I chuckled, reaching into the cabinent and grabbing tortilla chips and grabbing the salsa from the fridge. "Let's go to my room."

"So how's everything with Grayson?" She asked, as we got comfortable in my room. I told her about that night when Gray wanted me to act serious with him for once on my birthday the other day.

Honestly, it's been eating me alive since that day but I basically try to ignore it whenever he's around and I can tell he's been doing the same.

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