Chapter 46: truth or dares

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It was toward the end of the day for me that I started to become extremely sentimental and I started crying in front of everyone. We were all out back, listening to music and I just looked around at everyone and realized what family really is. Everyone standing out here is my family and I'm just so thankful to be surrounded with them.

I started wiping away my tears with a goofy smile on my face as Dean started telling me about how Jade asked him to be her boyfriend. He told her no. Which was a shocker to me considering he found her stunning. He then went on and on about how he's pretty positive she's only asking that so she can have the chance to get in his pants – which could be a possibility.

I watched Dean as he started playing with the dark black curls on top of his head. "I just really wish these girls would stop playing with me."

"You'll come across the one man. Just give it some time." Marshall replied to him, catching me off guard at how polite he was being. But then again Marshall is polite when he wants to be. "We're still young and have our whole lives ahead of us, who said we meet our forever in high school?"

"I said." Brett raised his arm, wrapping around Linsday who just laughed.

"Well maybe you're an exception." Marshall laughs back. It's funny how him and Brett are getting along now. Earlier today Marshall brought up little leagues and it was like immediatly that Brett remembered him and they seem to be friends now. The two of them have come far from hating eachother last year.

"I'm an exception too. Dwayne and I are helplessly in love you know." Madison says, her bright green eyes shining. Dean and I looked at eachother before bursting out with laughter.

"Mads you guys haven't even been together that long." Dean says, speaking the words that I was thinking. It's not that I'm hating on her and her man it's just how can you know you're in love with someone you just started dating? It sounds wild.

"I fell in love with a girl one time but then I found out she had a boyfriend so I was disappointed." Austin sighs a pout forming on his lips.

"Ever heard of stealing another dude's girl? I do it all the time." Hunter snorted from next to Grayson. "This one time I met this girl at the mall and got her number, I started texting her only to find out from her Instagram page that's she had a boyfriend for three years. I didn't care though, I continued to talk to her and I managed to get her to dump that dude for me. Then I dumped her a week later because seriously if a chick can leave a dude she's been with for that long for some random guy then I knew she'd do that to me – plus she was boring the only good thing she had going for her was her rack."

     I scrunched up my face along with the rest of us girls, I could also see how uncomfortable Hunter's words made Hannah considering she literally just went up to him an hour ago and asked for his number. "Okay....." Lindsay muttered, pulling away from Brett. "Let's play Truth or Dare."

      I glanced back up toward the porch to see all the adults had gone inside leaving Gabe, Grayson, Hunter, Christian, Vincent, Hannah, Kyle, Luke, Linsday, Madison, Brett, Caleb, Austin, Dean, Marshall and I the only ones left out here. All of us sat around in a huge circle just talking – it felt extremely good. It was around 5 pm now the sun was still out but it'd be setting very soon.

    I sat squished between Marshall and Luke when the game of truth or dare started. Dean being the first victim when Vincent dared him to lick the person to his left's foot which ended up being Brett.

   Everyone that knew Brett knew he had a bad case of athletes foot so I was already cringing as soon as he took his shoe off. "Ew I can't watch." Lindsay says, pushing away from her boyfriend and shutting her eyes causing me to laugh.

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