Chapter 9

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Next morning Archer was nowhere to be seen. Again.

"Tch independent spirit indeed" You thought.

This whole day was kind of boring. You mostly sat in your lounge reading books. As someone who spent her days in a practically uninhabited place training and not attending high school you spent your days reading books – from fantasy stories to old encyclopedias, so your knowledge was very vast. You loved books no matter their genre. The texuture, smell, this new world you can immerse yourself into... You haven't noticed how evening came. But Archer was still not here. You decided to get some fresh air by going to the balcony.

"Perhaps I should contact him" You thought while looking at the moon. You concentrated but it seems that he was too far for your call to reach him. You never really talked with him telepathically. Was it even working? Or were you both protecting your hearts with walls so that voices from you hearts could not reach each other? Instantly you felt something right next to you. You looked to your left and saw a tall, handsome man with brown hair dressed in dark teal outfit. He was holding a red spear and sitting on a balcony's wall. Could it be..?

"Lancer, I dare to guess" You told, not looking at him even though it was quite hard, knowing how handsome he was.

"You are quick to identify your enemies" He said. His voice was magical. Sweet but proud totally different form Gilgamesh's whose voice had this intimidating tone to it.

He stood up. You still haven't raised your eyes.

"I see you know more than my type" Lancer said.

You grinned. Yeah. You read about him in your book about 2 years ago. Diarmuid Ua Duibhne also known as Diarmuid of the Love Spot. Any woman who gazes upon his beauty mark instantly falls in love with him. And you couldn't allow that.

"As you may also guess, I'm here because my Master ordered me to kill you. Don't take it personally."

"None taken. I see you're a noble spirit. You didn't just sneaky murdered me and now you're giving me a possibility to defend myself" you said ready to pull out your sword.

"Oh, you think you have a possibility to defend yourself against me? Don't forget, you can't look at me" Lancer said.

"We'll see" You knew that your chance of winning is quite small, but you didn't want to use Command Seals for nothing, but if situation is going to get bad you  can always call Archer here. You pulled your sword out. Surprise flashed in Lancer's eyes but he smiled and prepared to fight.

"Let's fight till the end, Tohsaka (y/n)!" 

Leave the future in the past (Gilgamesh x Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant