Chapter 16

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You woke up quite early. As if the fear of upcoming battles would have scared your sleep away. However not the fear woke you up – excitement. You felt that this war is coming to its end. And you'll be the one to grab the trophy.

Two enemies left for you – Waver Velvet and Emiya Kiritsugu. You felt quite reluctant to fight the little guy though. He seemed so small and weak. So fragile... And to fight is usually equivalent to kill. He did nothing wrong to have a sword freeze his heart. Not that you wanted to spill any more blood – innocent or guilty it was, red substance on your hands will never be a pleasant feeling.

You were excited to fight that Emiya guy. He seemed like a strong rival and you were eager to fight him. Also you felt that this clash would be much more successful than your quarrel with Lancer – war rhythm was finally beating synchronously with your heart.

You wandered around house, contemplating your next moves when you bumped into your servant.

"You should really watch where you're going. Such ungraceful creature, how do you plan on winning this war, again?" Gilgamesh was mocking you.

"Without your help, obviously. It seems that all you can do is stand in my way." You complained.

He grinned widely. And even though people might seem this smile as treacherous it made you heart melt – seeing people happy around you was like oxygen. You craved for it. Ever since you were little you put others before yourself. And even if you had just recently started to life your life, instinct of making people smile still echoes in your mind.

Then out of the blue he just pinched you to the wall – palms on walls, on each side of your face blocking the way out.

"Be careful with words, (y/n). You really feel at ease with me, don't you?" Gilgamesh laughed. Not cruelly but because of joy. Because of joy he feels squeezing you to the wall. What a prick.

"Be careful with girls, you don't know what could happen if you push them too hard." Noting but light insults. You both found mocking each other entertaining. Guess that's for the best.

"Ohh, and what can you do to me?"

"You don't want to find out."

"Perhaps I do."

Prick. A 100 percent prick. So you decided to play the game he wants. Just to shape the rules a bit.

You leaned closer, making your breath tickle his neck.

"Perhaps the same thing we did yesterday." You made every word send shivers down his spine.

He stood still for a moment and slowly released you from his cage.

"Thank you." You winked.

He just stood there with his eyes closed trying to forget yesterday's exposure.

"Let's go, (y/n), we still a have a war to win."

"That's the spirit."

You heard him giggle.

"What's so funny?" You inquired.

"Nothing, it's just a week ago or so that would have sounded like a line of mine and now you're so... vibrant and... alive."

His words made you think... It's true. After summoning Gilgamesh your life started to get some colour – like an old sketch painter finally decided to finish. Perhaps after seeing some potential in a work he'd created. Perhaps Gilgamesh saw potential in you too. Enough to try and colour your world.

Leave the future in the past (Gilgamesh x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now