Chapter 15

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The feeling was nagging you. The material between your fingers was soft but somehow you felt irritated. After knocking off the blanket you finally saw what was bugging you – dirt. Blood, soil – you were still covered in yesterday's fight filth.


Your stomach was about to strike again but you deeply inhaled and remembered Gilgamesh words – do not regret. Keep on living. This is war.

Gilgamesh... His soft fingers brushing your skin and his lips kissing your forehead...

You didn't even see how a smile appeared on your face. But itchy feeling reminded you why you woke up in the first place – shower was your priority right now.

After grabbing a breakfast it was time to find Gilgamesh and discuss your next move.

You found him sitting in a balcony – comfortably resting his body in a couch. Closed eyes, relaxed face turned into the direction of the sun. Was it warming his face or observing this powerful creature in his state of calmness – it's not like you get to see that very often. Or perhaps they were having a beauty contest – a demigod and a star. War and peace – both beautiful, both crucial. Sight was heavenly.

Gilgamesh chuckled.

The bond.

He knows what you are thinking about.

Blood rushed into your cheeks.

"I know that I'm beautiful and yet to hear it from you – you surprise me every day (y/n)." He said while grinning.

"You're making me softer, it's not my fault." You tried to keep your dignity but you both knew that you have already lost this little quarrel. It was time to change the topic. "We need to discuss our plans. There is still a war to win."

Instantly Gilgamesh's face got serious. You walked towards him and sat in a chair next to your servant.

"What's wrong?" You asked.

"The final two pairs are quite obvious. Right now we have four Servants and four Masters left. Besides you and I there're still Saber, Rider and Lancer left. I will deal with Rider, so you'll have to fight that pipsqueak Master of his. Saber will deal with Lancer – those two, both honorable knights, fighting with their own morals – it'll be easier for them to eliminate each other. Then Saber with her Master Emiya Kiritsugu and we will be left."

"Will we win?"

Gilgamesh was silent. You sat there in disbelief – why was he so quiet? Where did all of his ego and self-confidence evaporate to?

"I will defeat Saber. She's incredibly strong and stubborn woman. She'll be a hard one to deal with but I will. It's not me who I'm worried about."

"I'm sorry – have I misheard something? Are your worried about me?"

He raised his head. His eyes, those beautiful and mad red eyes were calm and unreadable – what kind of story does he keep for himself behind those eyes - but they weren't lying – he was worried.

You just grinned.

"Don't be." But instantly your grin transformed into a sad smile. After everything they've been through – he still doesn't trust your powers?

"Don't misunderstand my words. I believe in your strenth. I know how strong you are. I've seen it." He smiled. "But Emiya Kiritsugu and you... You are both strong but your fighting styles differ. We both know, thanks to your nanny, that he uses guns, you on the other hand use sword. He practices time shifting magic, you enchant your strength. It will be a fight of fox and wolf. He's cunning and smooth, you – powerful and straight headed."

Leave the future in the past (Gilgamesh x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now