Percy Jackson's Twin Sister(19)

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Hey guys!!! Just a few more chapters to go!! :( lol but again I'm thankful for all of you guys who kept reading my fanfic even though I updated weirdly lol I hope you enjoy this chapter as much as I did!!! and sorry that this chapter is extremely short Dx

Chapter 19:

Marina's POV

I dodged his attack and rolled over, getting back to my feet quickly. Heracles roared loudly, making the crowd cheer in anticipation. My stomach churned wildly and my body started shaking.

I looked around my surroundings, checking if there's any sight of water, but nothing. Sigh, thank you Zeus for making my life harder.

I moved Victorious majestically and even threw it in the air, catching it while I did a dramatic flip. Heracles laughed as if I was a total joke. I looked at Percy who smiled at me nervously. I prayed to Poseidon, hopefully he can help me use my power in anyway.

"Attack, Daughter of Poseidon!" Heracles roaredd.

I sighed and took a deep breath, I looked at my friends who cheered for me happily. Memories started to make a carrousel around my head, good and bad ones. I felt like this fight was gonna determine if I live or not or as if I'm proving myself worthy to the Gods.

I ran up to Heracles, sword pointed straight. I impulsed myself into the air and swung my sword. Heracles raised his hand and smacked my whole body to the other side.

I felt the pressure as my body landed on the hard concrete. The bones inside my body felt as if they were scattered around my insides. Darkness engulfed my eyes...... I guess this is how the end of a story feels like.

Percy's POV

My blood was boiling at a hundred degrees. My sister whom I met a few days was laying there unconcious, or I hope she was. I couldn't contain myself, I jumped to the arena, hearing the screams of my friends to not go. But that's my sister, I'll do anything.

I heard someome come down beside me, it was Joshua and I could tell he was frusturated as I was. People in the crowed were going crazy, some yelled, "Thats cheating!"

Didn't look like it cause I dont see Zeus anywhere.

"Go and get Marina, I'll take care of this big guy." I said as I uncapped Riptide.

Joshua nodded and ran as fast as he could to my sister. Heracles looked at Joshua and then at me saying, "Well,well,well, if it isnt Percy Jackson... I wasn't expecting you here."

I smirked at him and said, "I mean its obvious that I will, look at what you did to my sister. You.... are definetly going down."

Heracles roared in laughter, "Oh please, you don't even have your precious weapon.... the water."

"Who said I needed water." I said with a crooked smile.

Heracles looked at me confused. I ran up to him, sword ready, Heracles picked up his feet to kick me but I rolled to the side, slicing his leg.

"Argh!!! Not bad for a demigod." He said as he looked at his injury.

"Trust me, I can do way better than that." I said as I took the blood out from Riptide with my fingers.

Limping, Heracles charged at me with his metal club. I dodged each attack, not breaking a sweat. The concrete floor was filled with holes, I knew that I had to watch out for those.

Heracles was gonna charge again, but I threw Riptide in mid air, slicing his right arm completely.

Blood was gushing out like crazy in mid air. It looked like red rain, I brushed my eyes from all the blood that got in me and picked up Riptide.

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