Percy Jackson's Twin Sister(3)

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Chapter 3:

When I finally got home, I saw this little girl sitting on the living room coutch watching Spongebob Squarepants. She had short curly brown hair, brown eyes, and olive skin. She looked about the age of 7, but how the hell did she got into my house.

"Um excuse me" I said leaving my purse on a little table in front of the T.V

"Can you get out of the way? Im watching a new episode" She said waving her right hand sideways.

"Who are you?" I asked with a mini attitude.

"Im Ashley, so can you please move" She said angrily.

"Listen you little brat, Im not gonna let anyone to tell me what to do, so how did you get in here?" I said getting closer to Ashley.

"I'm going to give you one more chance, get out of my way or I will kill you" She said getting up on the couch.

What the hell? How is this little girl getting these stuff of killing poeple? I swear is that what parents teach these days?

"Why dont you get out of my house" I said grasping her arm.

"Leave me alone!" She said with a woman like voice.

"What the hell!" I said backing up from her.

"You want to mess with me? thats what you get" She said even louder.

I noticed that I was already behind the wall, and the even stranger thing was that she was transforming. For real, her wavey brown curls started turning into long snakes, her legs started to turn into a frieking snake's tail. What the hell? am I really in a dream now?

"Marina dont look into her eyes!!" Tara said out of nowhere running next to me.

I instantly closed my eyes, not daring to look at this hideous woman.

"Daughter of Wisdom, do you really think that you will defeat me?" The girl or what ever she is said.

"I defeated you once, I guess I could do it one more time" Tara said loudly.

"Oh please, without your little boyfriend lost and that stupid goat guy.... you will not survive by your own and this girl who doesnt even know what she is" She said with a laugh at the end.

What does she mean?How is Tara a Daughter of Wisdom? and how am I someone who doesnt know what I am?

"Marina, what ever you do... dont open your eyes" Tara said grasping my hand.

"You know its rude not to look at poeple" She said with a giggle.

I could tell she was getting closer to us due to the sound of her snakes in her head, "C'mon Marina...... take.... a peek"

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