Its Not In His Interest To Kill Me

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Yeah. After lunch. I was ready to kill myself. And the other kids I go to school with. The principal, wanting nothing to do with me as usual, abandoned us and went with the Juniors for their tour.

I showed them the usual: the Big House, cabins, canoe lake, amphitheatre, armory, infirmary, etc...

Now let me explain that there's like four people that don't hate me in my grade. Or don't bug me. My two good friends, this chick I have most of my classes with who's openly a lesbian, and then a guy I swim with who insists on being straight and then hits on over half of the team. Including me.


Those four stuck around after the tour.

"Well like, you lead nothing." Alex points out. We've been friends since I was a freshman. We did everything together. Including getting suspended. "So how did this happen?"

I shrugged.

"I was like 13, the dude who was leader before me thought I could handle it, and it was mine." I answered. "That's about it."

"Man, it's seems nice here, though." Patrick agree. The guy who hits on everyone. "There's a shit ton of stuff to do, it's at the nicest part of the entire state, and I'm straight but after looking at some of the guys here... I might consider."

"Oh, yeah." Quincy remarked. My other good friend. "Like who? The entire council?'

He thought about it.

"Well yes," he agreed to that," but I mean, Luke. He's perfection with a scar on his life."

I laughed in my head. Because Luke is mine, and nobody will touch him if I have say.

"True," Patrick agreed. He's everyone's gay best friend. Very openly gay. He knows I'm gay, and he's about the only person that knows and that's because his gaydar is pretty good. "You'd know. Do we have a chance?"

"Not at all." I let them down. "He's taken. On the council... There's Leo, Butch, Clovis, Lou I think, and yeah. Thalia's single, too. The day she gets a date is the day we all die of shock. Oh yeah! Annabeth's single. But I wouldn't even try. She's very... What's the word? Clingy."


I nodded my head and headed to the area where we practice Swordfighting. Kids started to file in. Overall, I had like 45 kids. Which is about half of both grades. I thought that was decent despite the fact that they hate me. And it was a lot of seniors. The first lesson we'd do joined so they can all get the basics and Luke and I can go back and forth with examples.

Everyone got their swords and whatnot. That was fast, really. Luke gave me Riptide (yes, he still had it so I wouldn't be able to do anything to myself like I had with the razors.) And he also took out his own sword, the one he had when I was new. His actual sword, not Backbiter. That's in hell now. Tartarus. And right now it was just Juniors and Seniors, and then I'd stick around for the Freshman and Sophomores class and yeah.

We partnered them up, a junior with a senior, and we did our first example and it was hilarious.

"Any questions." Luke brought to an end and Morgan raised his hand. He's a guy in my grade. He enjoys calling me a faggot.

"Yeah," he remarked. "Do you have a girlfriend or anything?"

"I'm not answering that," Luke informed him. "Anything else?"

Everyone bursted out laughing at just as how Luke was so leveled with his answer. That he was calm about it.

They'd go back and forth a few times, we would show them another thing to add on, and we showed them like five things over the course of two hours. And here, it's like I'm a totally different person to them.

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