Cuddles and Cabins

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Sally and Paul were outside when I got there. Bringing out stuff for fireworks and what not. They said to be here at 7, and it was 7. I was really excited. Sally and I haven't hung out since high school, Paul and I since college. Luke was here with Sally's kid, Percy, and he claimed that his boyfriend would be here tonight so I'd get to meet him. The boys were also outside, closer to the shore. Just messing around and being boys.

But everyone would be here, you know. My other boy, my younger one, Octovain was on his way. He just landed from LA, Camp Jupiter, and he hasn't been home for a while. There were some problems there recently, he couldn't come home for Christmas. So he promise he'd meet me for the Fourth. He's 21, and actually is 21. Luke explained that to me. Death kind of messed his age up. He did die, eventually. It was a story for a later time. But I'd find out eventually.

When Octovain showed up, he was alone. But he said hi to both Sally and Paul, remembering Paul but not Sally. Paul has gone back to school twice after college. I went with him the second time he went back, that's how we met. Octovain was probably 7 or 8 at the time. Luke was 10 or 11.

Now he's married, with a stable job, a step son, and a kid on the way. Like gods damn.


I found my mom talking with Paul and Sally. Which, they're both amazing. I love them like my aunt and uncle.

I talked with Paul for a little bit before he went to finish dinner, and I talked with Mom.

"Who's all here?" I asked.

"Sally and Paul," she answered obviously," Sally's kid, who's like 18. He seems really nice. And then uh... Your brother."

"My what?"

My brother left 12 years ago. Without saying goodbye. I was 12. I'm 24 now.

That's half of my life.

"Your brother," Mom repeated. "Luke. He's been here, in New York. His friend, Tyler, found him here. He's friends with Sally's boy. He died and something happened and he's alive, but he's 17, not 27. I'm not sure how, but it is what it is. He's down there, with Sally's boy. He said he did have a boyfriend when I talked with him earlier today. Claimed he would be here."

Now, little does everyone know, Percy has a boyfriend who is a son of Hermes. They've been together for a good part of the summer, and I guess they're really nice together and what not. I don't go to Camp Half-Blood. Luke was supposed to go there and I just feel uncomfortable when I'm there.

But Luke was down there. And so was Percy. They were screwing around, having some fun, and at first I didn't recognize my brother. Whenever I saw him, he was at home, and he wasn't happy. Him and Mom always argued and fought. He was nice to me, sure. When he was home. He always stayed with a friend or his boyfriend or whatever Ram was to him. Either way, he died. Luke ran away...

Didn't even have the nerve to say goodbye, and here he was 12 years later.

Luke was smiling, laughing, and he was having fun. Looked like he was actually enjoying himself, and I felt bad. Because Percy and I typically don't get along. And that could mess stuff up. I mean, if he's happy with Percy, then I'll keep my mouth shut and live with it. I really don't know him that well. And if he's being raised by Sally and Paul... He can't be that bad.

I didn't say anything about it, though, and we all met up for dinner and Luke seemed glad to see me and there was this understanding between Percy and I that there wouldn't be fighting.

Dinner was amazing, and the fireworks were awesome. I got to catch up with my big brother, and yeah, I missed him, but I didn't realize that I still looked up to him as some sort of role model. He had some wicked cool stories, too. He has a scar from a quest! From a dragon!

"You went on a quest against a dragon?" To me that was the coolest thing ever.

"Yeah," he confirmed. "2002. It failed. I didn't get what I needed. But I guess it wasn't important because nobody really cared. It was fun, though. Worth it. What about you at home? Do you have a partner yet?"

Being gay, Luke never assumed I was straight. He always referred to it as a partner because what if, you know. But I'm straight.

"I don't have a girlfriend, no." I let him down there. "It's been too busy. Maybe this year. What about you? Twelve years, you must've had at least one boyfriend in that time."

"Yeah," my older brother confirmed my suspicions. "One. I waited around, ended up having to raise a little run who ran away to camp. Annabeth. You might know her. I think I did something wrong. But I was also 15, so you can't blame me. I left camp for a while, ended up dead for a year roughly, and finally said it's been long enough."

"Oooh," I remarked, teasing him. "And who is Mr. Castellan?"

Of course Luke blushed at that.

"Oh, shut up," he told me.

"Is it Percy?"

He nodded his head.

"Aw, I heard about that." I explained. "That Percy had a boyfriend. Surprised everyone. I like it, though."


Everyone finished their food off, and we set off fireworks. That was a lot of fun.

But eventually we all head in to go to bed, and as Percy and Luke went to bed, I went to find my room, and accidentally opened their door. They were already asleep, but oh my god.

Luke was the big spoon.

Percy is at least 6' tall. I'm like 5'3", just to clarify. I'm short, like my mom. Luke is 5'9".

But he was still the big spoon.

Despite the time, I still got a call from my best friend from back home. I was only here for the day. Tomorrow I'd go home. Bring Luke and Percy with. He agreed to see Mom, right? He must want to go home.

"Octovain!" He wasn't alone. It was all the guys. "Dude, what time do you leave?"

"In the morning." I told them. "I'll meet you guys for lunch. But some people are coming with."

"Like who?"

"Well, Luke, and then his boyfriend." I explained. "Tyler found Luke, told Mom, and yeah. He's asleep right now. But he'll be home tomorrow."


I woke up and I was in my old bedroom. Percy was, too. It was like 6:30 in the morning. I was confused. Kind of scared.

I didn't agree to this.

I tapped on my boyfriend's upper arm until he woke up. Still tired. I suppose he's not normally up until 7.

"Hm?" He asked looked up, and realized something.

"This isn't the cabin? Or my place?"

"No, were not even in New York," I explained. "Were in Westport. This is my old bedroom."

"Westport?" Percy questioned, now attentive to what was going on. "Like where you grew up Westport?"

I nodded my head.

We both got up and got dressed. There wasn't a note or anything. Nobody was home aside us.

So we made breakfast around 7:30, and an old friend of mine, two of them walked in. And I was ready to scream because one of them was pregnant. Hannah was pregnant.

"Luke!" They both yelled, running over to me, but then then there was also a third voice.

And then there was a hellhound inside.

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