Looking For Something

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4½ months later, it's towards the middle of December, and I was a nervous wreck. Mom was in labor right now with Paul there. I just got back from there, and Luke said that if we wanted to wait we could. He was okay with that, but I insisted that we go and at least then it gives me a mental break from the hospital and birth. She's only been in labor for a couple hours. She probably won't give birth until tomorrow.

It was our six month anniversary.

Yeah. That's half of a year.

Now, I went to school after lunch and they asked about my mom, of course. How it was going, if she's given birth yet, etc. Which I answered for them as I sat down with my actual friends.

Now, I was a bit dressed up. People normally dress up for meets and what not for sports. But swimming is over. We already went to Nationals. We didn't win. Got like 3rd, though. It was pretty sweet.

"So we got a ton of new kids today." Kurt explained to me. He's on the swim team. He is openly gay. "For every grade, it's insane. And there's like... Famous people here."

"Famous?" I questioned. "Like who?"

"Remember when we were little, there was a case when Fredrick's Chase's daughter ran away and didn't come home for six years? And so did Beryl Grace's daughter around the same time?"

"I've heard about it. Why?"

"Their kids are here." Kurt told me. "And there's this guy, he's in our grade, and he's hot, let me tell you, Jackson."

"Are you talking about the one with the thing on his face?" Quincy asked. "Because he is hot."


"He's also right there."

Quincy points at my boyfriend. Who's sitting with Thalia, Nico, Will, and everyone from camp. They looked genuinely scared about 300 students in one room. Lunch. Half of the school has lunch with us.

"Oh, him!" Sarah remarked. She's pretty chill. She hits on guys with us. It's great. "I mean, yeah, he's hot. But, to be honest, you guys have no chance. If anyone does, it's Percy. And he's probably straight. But yeah. His name is Luke. You should go hit on him, Percy."

So I got up and walked over to them. Scared Grover half to death.

"Don't do that!" Grover requested in a panicked tone. "Fuck, man. Where's Paul? He had a sub this morning."

"Yeah, what the hell." Nico agreed. "I was looking forward to him."

"With my mom, she's in labor." I explained, taking a grape from Luke's lunch. I didn't grab any, I should've. They were good today. Which isn't normal. "He'll be back teaching in like... A week. Assuming she gives birth in the next 24 hours, that is. But he'll be back."

"Good." Nico remarked and noticed people looking at us. Freaking out. Quincy and them, of course. "Why are they freaking out?"

I shrugged.

We talked a bit more and, full aware they were looking directly at us, Luke had to run to the councilors office with Thalia, and so I gave him a small kiss. It didn't mean anything more than any other kiss, really. It was a small, quick kiss because I walked back over to the others, and Quincy might as well have had a heart attack.

"Are you okay?" I questioned the three people sitting there. Kurt, Quincy, and Sarah.

"You were over there for five minutes," Kurt justified their freaking out. "And you got him to not just hug or anything, no. You got him to kiss you. Mr. Virgin Everything."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2017 ⏰

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